All Posts in #Disability Cultural Center
Disability Cultural Center to Host Annual Open House Friday, Oct. 19
The Disability Cultural Center (DCC) will host its annual Open House Friday, Oct. 19, from 1 to 5 p.m. at 230 Schine Student Center. The event will conclude with a gathering to watch and discuss “Hannah Gadsby: Nanette,” which is…
Come Play Accessible Sports at OrangeAbility 2018
All members of the Syracuse University community and beyond are invited to the OrangeAbility: Accessible Athletics Expo on Sunday, Oct. 7, from 1 to 5 p.m. in the Women’s Building. This student-led initiative is sponsored by the Disability Student Union…
October is Disability Awareness and Appreciation Month
Throughout the month of October, the Disability Cultural Center (DCC) and a host of campus partners and student organizations will host Disability Awareness and Appreciation Month. The month’s events will focus on disability and its many intersections. “We are very…
Campus Community Invited to Cultural Centers Welcome Fair
Members of the campus community are invited to the annual Cultural Centers Welcome Fair on Thursday, Aug. 30, from 4 to 6 p.m. in the Panasci Lounge of the Schine Student Center. The event is sponsored and organized by the…
Disability Caucus and Campus Conversation about Disability Justice Tonight
Tonight, April 30, the campus community is invited to an accessible campus conversation about what is meant by “disability justice,” “ableism” and “intersectionality.” Priya Penner, Disability Student Union (DSU) president; Jennith Lucas, DSU vice president; Diane Wiener, director of the…
Deconstructing Autism Awareness on April 10
April is Autism Awareness Month, and a group of students on campus are tackling what is meant by “autism awareness” and how that may differ from “acceptance,” hoping to bring the Syracuse University community to that point. On Tuesday, April…
White House Champion of Change Talila Lewis to Speak on Disability Justice March 29
“Disability Justice in the Age of Mass Incarceration: Perspectives on Race, Disability, Law & Accountability” will be the topic when disability activist Talila Lewis gives an address Thursday, March 29, from 10 a.m. to noon in 228B Schine Student Center….
OrangeAbility: An Afternoon of Accessible Athletics
All members of the Syracuse University community and beyond are invited to the seventh OrangeAbility on Saturday, Feb. 17, from 2-4 p.m. in the Women’s Building Gym A. This student-led initiative is sponsored by the Disability Student Union (DSU), the…
Disability Cultural Center Hosts Poetry Reading
On Thursday, Dec. 7, the Disability Cultural Center (DCC) is hosting a poetry reading in room 228B of Schine Student Center. The reading will take place noon-1 p.m. The reading features four poets, all of whom are also members of the…
Fall 2017 Interfaith Dinner Dialogue Series Begins Nov. 2
The University’s fall 2017 Interfaith Dialogue Dinner Series, “Common and Diverse Ground: Raising Consciousnesses by Acknowledging the ‘Hidden’ Things that Divide Us,” will begin on Thursday, Nov. 2. The dialogue, on “Hospitality, Immigration, Justice,” will be held from 6-8 p.m….