All Posts in #College of Visual and Performing Arts
Legacy of civil rights activist George Wiley honored at 12th annual Sojourner Storytelling Conference March 24-25
SU’s 12th annual Sojourner Storytelling Conference will honor an SU organic chemistry professor whose scientific and teaching accomplishments were eclipsed only by his political activism.
SU Women’s Choir to premiere Gregg Smith Choral Composition Contest winner at March 26 concert
The Syracuse University Women’s Choir, under the direction of Barbara M. Tagg, faculty member in the Rose, Jules R. and Stanford S. Setnor School of Music in the College of Visual and Performing Arts (VPA), will premiere the winning composition of SU’s Gregg Smith Choral Composition Contest on Friday, March 26.
College of Visual and Performing Arts to launch Ginsburg-Klaus Art in Los Angeles Practicum Week
The College of Visual and Performing Arts has announced the creation of the Ginsburg-Klaus Art in Los Angeles Practicum Week.
Fashion designer Nguyen of Bravo TV’s ‘Launch My Line’ to speak Feb. 24
Thai Nguyen, a fashion designer and contestant on Bravo TV’s reality television series “Launch My Line,” will give an informal talk on Wednesday, Feb. 24, from 4:30-5:30 p.m.
‘Lookingglass Alice’ is a circus-like spectacle
“Lookingglass Alice” runs Feb. 24-March 14 at Syracuse Stage. Tickets
Setnor School of Music faculty instrumental in first recording of Vonnegut/Stravinsky’s ‘An American Soldier’s Tale’
The liner notes of Summit Records’ newly released “An American Soldier’s Tale, Histoire du Soldat” list a number of names and places familiar to music lovers in the Syracuse community.
Syracuse Stage patrons give record-breaking contribution to organizations assisting those struggling with HIV/AIDS
This past holiday season, during the productions “Little Women” and “This Wonderful Life,” Syracuse Stage patrons donated a record-breaking contribution to organizations assisting those struggling with HIV/AIDS.
Drama Department to present ‘Two Gentlemen of Verona’
Syracuse University’s Department of Drama in the College of Visual and Performing Arts will present Shakespeare’s “The Two Gentlemen of Verona” from Feb. 19-28 at the Arthur Storch Theatre.
Setnor School to present recital, master class by organist Andrew Scanlon Feb. 15-16
Andrew Scanlon, an instructor of organ and sacred music at East Carolina University, will present an organ recital Tuesday, Feb. 16, at 8 p.m. in the Rose and Jules R. Setnor Auditorium, Crouse College.
Arts journalism students from Newhouse School to provide multimedia coverage of Spoleto Festival USA May 28-June 13
The Post and Courier newspaper in Charleston, S.C., has invited the 19 graduate students enrolled in the Goldring Arts Journalism Program in the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications to contribute cultural coverage of the Spoleto Festival USA in Charleston this spring.