All Posts in #College of Arts and Sciences
Chemistry Department honors students with annual awards
The Department of Chemistry in Syracuse University’s College of Arts and Sciences will present the following awards during its annual Undergraduate Awards Ceremony on Wednesday, May 4: Gershon Vincow Award for Excellence in General Chemistry Lindsay McCabe (undeclared biology major)…
Seniors to present work during annual Honors Program Capstone Presentation Day
When Na’Tasha Webb-Prather was exploring a topic for her Honors Capstone project, she decided to take a critical look at her native city, Cleveland. She found that practices of segregated housing that were institutionalized decades ago have impacted contemporary educational…
Annual Life Sciences Undergraduate Research Conference and Senior Awards Day April 28, 29
Forty-two graduating biology and biochemistry majors will be recognized for their achievements in scholarship and research during the annual Undergraduate Research Conference and Awards Ceremony, hosted by the Department of Biology in Syracuse University’s College of Arts and Sciences, April…
Sociologist explores impact of Sullivan-Clinton Campaign on Native American, New York history
The Sullivan-Clinton Campaign, the largest military offensive ever against the Haudenosaunee (“People of the Longhouse”), is the subject of a multimedia presentation by Robert Spiegelman in Syracuse University’s College of Arts and Sciences. Spiegelman will discuss “New York’s Missing Link:…
Renowned Arab Israeli journalist, author visits SU Nov. 10
Sayed Kashua, an Arab Israeli journalist, novelist and creator of a popular sit-com on Israeli television, is giving a special lecture at Syracuse University.
Campbell to discuss ‘Barack Obama and 21st Century Politics’ Nov. 1 as part of new campus series
The African American Studies Department (AAS) in The College of Arts and Sciences, and the Student African American Society (SAS) are launching a new series, “SAS Meets AAS.”
Open meeting, reception to honor SU German Professor Gerlinde Ulm Sanford on Oct. 29
The Department of Languages, Literatures and Linguistics at Syracuse University will host an open meeting and reception to honor the memory of former Languages, Literatures and Linguistics Chair and Professor of German Gerlinde Ulm Sanford.
Murder 201: Who’s killing off the forensic science faculty?
Forensic science faculty are part of a mysterious murder and the M.S. in Forensic Science students are the suspects. And everyone is invited to examine the haunted lab for clues to help solve the case. On Tuesday, Oct. 26, graduate students of the Forensic Science Program in SU’s College of Arts and Sciences will hold a haunted murder lab at 7 p.m. in room 105 of the Life Sciences Complex.
Ray Smith Symposium presents ‘War in Iraq’ concert, symposium, seminar Nov. 14-16
The Ray Smith Symposium at Syracuse University continues its yearlong exploration of “Music of Conflict and Reconciliation” with a special three-day event titled “The War in Iraq.”
Yale’s Shelly Kagan to speak on ‘ethics of cloning’ Oct. 27
The integrated learning major in ethics in The College of Arts and Sciences will present a lecture by Shelly Kagan, the Clark Professor of Philosophy at Yale University.