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University’s 37th Annual International Thanksgiving Celebration Is Nov. 18
First-year international students and members of the University community will come together for Syracuse University’s 37th Annual International Thanksgiving Celebration on Thursday, Nov. 18. Approximately 500 members of the University community are expected to take part in the annual tradition…
Fiserv Extends Commitment to Investing in Growth of IVMF
The Institute for Veterans and Military Families (IVMF) has announced an additional $7 million commitment from Fiserv, a leading global provider of payments and financial services technology and a proud supporter of the military community. As a longtime partner of…
Open Enrollment Resources and Educational Opportunities Continue for Faculty and Staff Through Nov. 12
Open Enrollment, the annual period when University employees make their benefit choices for the coming year, continues through Friday, Nov. 12. This is the one time of year when eligible faculty and staff may elect or change their coverage for…
The Negative Impressions Horror Movies Can Leave On Individuals
Kendall Phillips, professor of communication and rhetorical studies in the College of Visual and Performing Arts, was quoted about horror films in Deseret News, Hindustan Times, and Hindustan Times video. In the story for Deseret News, Phillips discussed how horror movies may provide…
Signs of Domestic Violence and Understanding What It Can Look Like
Jennifer Genovese, graduate program director and assistant teaching professor in Falk College, was quoted in the Everyday Health story, “5 Lesser-Known Warning Signs of an Abusive Relationship” Doctor Genovese discussed the misconceptions of domestic violence and the dangers behind generalizing…
Race For Governor of New York Takes Off As New Candidates Announce Their Campaigns
Grant Reeher, professor of political science and director of the Campbell Public Affairs Institute in the Maxwell School, was interviewed for the WTEN (Albany, NY) story “Empire State Weekly: 2022 Governor race takes shape ahead of General Election.” Reeher discusses…
College of Law to Honor Veterans Nov. 9
On Tuesday, Nov. 9, at noon, the Syracuse University College of Law and members of the greater Syracuse legal community will gather in Dineen Hall’s Melanie Gray Ceremonial Courtroom to celebrate the College of Law’s fourth annual Veterans Day Ceremony….
Facebook’s New Advertising Techniques and What the Motivation Behind Them Might Be
Beth Egan, associate professor of advertising in the Newhouse School, was interviewed by CNN for the story “Big Tech television ads paint a rosy picture of a problematic industry.” Professor Beth Egan discussed Facebook’s recent ad launch, featuring a unique…
How Is Social Media Affecting the Minds of Young People?
Jennifer Stromer-Galley, professor in the School of Information Studies and Senior Associate Dean for Academic and Faculty Affairs, was interviewed by WAER, for the piece, “Social Media Companies Face Scrutiny Over Effects on Young People.” Stromer-Galley talks about how social media is under…
The Rise in Social Media and Its Effects On Children
Makana Chock, associate professor of communications at the Newhouse School, was interviewed by Spectrum, for the piece, “Why it’s best to talk with kids about what they’re viewing online.” Chock explains kid’s relationship to social media, saying, “There’s this fear…