School of Education seeks comment
School of Education seeks commentSeptember 13, 2004Cynthia J. Moritzcjmoritz@syr.edu Comments are being sought from alumni, parents, schools and community organizations on the quality of programs at Syracuse University’s School of Education in preparation for a November 2004 accreditation review by…
‘Doonesbury’ cartoonist Garry Trudeau to be first guest of SU’s 2004 Syracuse Symposium
‘Doonesbury’ cartoonist Garry Trudeau to befirst guest of SU’s 2004 Syracuse SymposiumSeptember 13, 2004Kelly Homan Rodoskikahoman@syr.edu Exhibition of ‘Doonesbury’ cartoons will be on display at SU Sept. 12-26 Note to editor: A high-resolution digital image of Trudeau is available from…
Syracuse University names Paul B. Gandel G’86 as CIO and vice president for information technology
Syracuse University names Paul B. Gandel G’86 as CIO and vice president for information technologySeptember 10, 2004Judy Holmesjlholmes@syr.edu Paul B. Gandel G’86, vice provost for information services and dean of university libraries at the University of Rhode Island, has been…
SU inaugural symposium to feature leading scholars, artists, journalists
SU inaugural symposium to feature leadingscholars, artists, journalistsSeptember 10, 2004Matthew R. Snydermrsnyder@syr.edu Following Chancellor Nancy Cantor’s Nov. 5 inauguration ceremony at the Carrier Dome, Syracuse University will host a symposium on racism and genocide titled “Universities and Moral Responsibility: Respecting…
SU to inaugurate new Chancellor Nov. 5 with public celebration and symposium
SU to inaugurate new Chancellor Nov. 5with public celebration and symposiumSeptember 10, 2004Matthew R. Snydermrsnyder@syr.edu On Nov. 5, Syracuse University will officially inaugurate Nancy Cantor as the University’s 11th Chancellor and President. Designed around Cantor’s inaugural theme, “University as Public…
Syracuse University names alumnus Melvin Stith as dean of Whitman School of Management
Syracuse University names alumnus Melvin Stith as dean of Whitman School of ManagementSeptember 10, 2004Cynthia J. Moritzcjmoritz@syr.edu Syracuse University’s Martin J. Whitman School of Management will be headed by a new dean as it moves into its new home. Melvin…
Soling Program appoints new director, sets new direction
Soling Program appoints new director, sets new directionSeptember 09, 2004Sara Millersemortim@syr.edu James T. Spencer, professor of chemistry in The College of Arts and Sciences, has been named the new director of the University’s Soling Program. Spencer’s appointment is part of…
Student Association plants OrangeSeeds
Student Association plants OrangeSeedsSeptember 09, 2004Matthew R. Snydermrsnyder@syr.edu The Student Association at Syracuse University, in collaboration with SU’s Office of Greek Life and Experiential Learning (OGLEL) and Office of Orientation and Transition Services (OTS), has announced the introduction of OrangeSeeds,…
SU faculty to perform classical guitar concert
SU faculty to perform classical guitar concertSeptember 09, 2004Amy Schmitzaemehrin@syr.edu Kenneth Meyer, affiliate artist in Syracuse University’s Rose, Jules R. and Sanford S. Setnor School of Music, will present a concert of chamber music for the classical guitar, Sept. 14…
SU faculty to open 2004-05 Setnor Concert Series
SU faculty to open 2004-05 Setnor Concert SeriesSeptember 09, 2004Amy Schmitzaemehrin@syr.edu The Rose, Jules R. and Sanford S. Setnor School of Music of Music at Syracuse University will open the 2004-05 season on Sept. 10 with a concert featuring some…