Food activists, entrepreneurs to speak on sustainability, food justice during University Lectures/Syracuse Symposium presentation Oct. 9
Food activists, entrepreneurs to speak on sustainability, food justice during University Lectures/Syracuse Symposium presentation Oct. 9September 26, 2007Kelly Homan Rodoskikahoman@syr.edu Activists and entrepreneurs Alice Waters and Judy Wicks will bring attention to a myriad of issues, such as sustainability and…
College of Law recognizes new named professors
College of Law recognizes new named professorsSeptember 26, 2007Jaclyn D. Grossojgrosso@law.syr.edu Dean Hannah R. Arterian recently announced that two faculty members were honored with named professorships at Syracuse University College of Law. Lisa A. Dolak L’88 and Richard I. Goldsmith…
Conferences to discuss gender, sexuality, health care in globalized world
Conferences to discuss gender, sexuality, health care in globalized worldSeptember 26, 2007Jill Leonhardtjlleonha@maxwell.syr.edu Health care in the modern, interconnected world is constantly changing, due in part to factors such as the emergence of new outbreaks of infectious disease, the aging…
SU Treasurer’s Office changes proxy voting protocol to better promote sustainability through responsible investment practices
SU Treasurer’s Office changes proxy voting protocol to better promote sustainability through responsible investment practicesSeptember 26, 2007Sara Millersemortim@syr.edu Syracuse University’s Treasurer’s Office has adopted a new protocol that will better ensure that investment decisions align with the University’s values and…
SU’s SIFE student team sponsors annual fundraiser to support Chadwick Residence
SU’s SIFE student team sponsors annual fundraiser to support Chadwick ResidenceSeptember 26, 2007Amy Schmitzaemehrin@syr.edu The Syracuse University Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE) team is hosting the fifth annual “Reds, Whites and the Blues” fundraiser on Friday, Sept. 28, from 6-9…
New York Bar Foundation helps Family Advocacy Program address health care-based legal needs of Syracuse children
New York Bar Foundation helps Family Advocacy Program address health care-based legal needs of Syracuse children September 25, 2007Jaclyn D. Grossojgrosso@law.syr.edu Many government aid programs and laws are intended to assist low-income families with their children’s health needs, but, unfortunately,…
Outside work
Outside workSeptember 25, 2007SU News ServicesSUnews@syr.edu First-year student Morgan Bisignano sketches for a freshman foundation drawing class taught by Assistant Professor Susan D’Amato.
University to honor former student-athletes on ‘Night of Distinction’
University to honor former student-athletes on ‘Night of Distinction’September 25, 2007Sue Cornelius Edsonsedson@syr.edu Syracuse University will honor six former student-athletes representing various sports and eras of Orange athletics as LetterWinners of Distinction. The “Night of Distinction” will be held on…
Orange Television Network announces new fall lineup, debuts new website
Orange Television Network announces new fall lineup, debuts new websiteSeptember 25, 2007SU News ServicesSUnews@syr.edu The Orange Television Network (OTN) has announced its upcoming fall season — including two new shows, “The Control Room” and “Reel Old Movies,” along with several…
NBC Universal exec to speak on media diversity Oct. 1 at Newhouse III, part of First Amendment year celebration
NBC Universal exec to speak on media diversity Oct. 1 at Newhouse III, part of First Amendment year celebrationSeptember 24, 2007Jaime Winne Alvarezjlwinne@syr.edu On Monday, Oct. 1, Syracuse University’s S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications will host a conversation with…