Syracuse University’s INSCT presents ‘New Battlefields, Old Laws’ conference Oct. 8 in Washington, D.C.
Syracuse University’s INSCT presents ‘New Battlefields, Old Laws’ conference Oct. 8 in Washington, D.C.October 01, 2007SU News ServicesSUnews@syr.edu On Monday, October Oct. 8, 2007, Syracuse University’s Institute for National Security and Counterterrorism (INSCT) will present “New Battlefields, Old Laws: From…
Former president of Mexico to speak at Landmark Theatre
Former president of Mexico to speak at Landmark TheatreOctober 01, 2007Matthew R. Snydermrsnyder@syr.edu The Syracuse University Student Association, University Union and the New York Public Interest Research Group are sponsoring a public lecture by Vicente Fox, former president of Mexico,…
9/11, ‘Deep Throat’ to be discussed Oct. 16 at Newhouse School as part of First Amendment year celebration
9/11, ‘Deep Throat’ to be discussed Oct. 16 at Newhouse School as part of First Amendment year celebrationOctober 01, 2007Jaime Winne Alvarezjlwinne@syr.edu On Tuesday, Oct. 16, Syracuse University’s S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications will host a book signing and…
SU Parking and Transit Services workers vote to join Teamsters
SU Parking and Transit Services workers vote to join TeamstersSeptember 28, 2007Jaime Winne Alvarezjlwinne@syr.edu Syracuse University Parking and Transit Services employees today voted in favor of joining the Teamsters Union by a margin of 24 to 20. A total of…
Syracuse University combines Homecoming, Reunion into one week of activities for alumni, students
Syracuse University combines Homecoming, Reunion into one week of activities for alumni, studentsSeptember 27, 2007Kelly Homan Rodoskikahoman@syr.edu As Syracuse University begins a new tradition — bringing students and alumni together by combining Homecoming and Reunion festivities into one extraordinary week…
Syracuse University Counseling Center to sponsor Depression Screening Day Oct. 9
Syracuse University Counseling Center to sponsor Depression Screening Day Oct. 9September 27, 2007Matthew R. Snydermrsnyder@syr.edu The Syracuse University Counseling Center, a unit of the Division of Student Affairs, along with the Faculty and Staff Assistance Program, is sponsoring a Depression…
SU’s Pulse to present Brooklyn-based Maracatu rhythm group Nation Beat in free concert Oct. 11
SU’s Pulse to present Brooklyn-based Maracatu rhythm group Nation Beat in free concert Oct. 11September 27, 2007Jaime Winne Alvarezjlwinne@syr.edu As part of the 2007-08 season of Syracuse University’s Pulse performing arts series, Brooklyn-based Maracatu rhythm group Nation Beat will perform…
SU Library offers lecture by William Noel on Archimedes Palimpsest Project
SU Library offers lecture by William Noel on Archimedes Palimpsest ProjectSeptember 27, 2007Pamela McLaughlinpwmclaug@syr.edu Syracuse University Library will offer a lecture on the Archimedes Palimpsest — its history, conservation treatment and continuing research — by William Noel, director of the…
Pramod Varshney named Distinguished Professor in Syracuse University’s L.C. Smith College of Engineering and Computer Science
Pramod Varshney named Distinguished Professor in Syracuse University’s L.C. Smith College of Engineering and Computer ScienceSeptember 27, 2007Kelly Homan Rodoskikahoman@syr.edu Pramod K. Varshney, professor of electrical engineering and computer science in Syracuse University’s L.C. Smith College of Engineering and Computer…
Dollar Day at the Dome to kick off United Way campaign
Dollar Day at the Dome to kick off United Way campaignSeptember 27, 2007SU News ServicesSUnews@syr.edu The University’s 2007 United Way campaign will kick off Oct. 6 with Dollar Day at the Dome during the Syracuse vs. West Virginia football game….