SU London announces ‘Journey of Understanding’ participants
SU London announces ‘Journey of Understanding’ participantsNovember 14, 2007Christine Heckman Four SU London students have been selected to take part in the Encompass Trust “Journey of Understanding” in which they will join young people from the United Kingdom, Israel, the…
SU establishes preferred supplier agreement with Corporate Express, reducing costs, improving ease in purchasing office products
SU establishes preferred supplier agreement with Corporate Express, reducing costs, improving ease in purchasing office productsNovember 14, 2007Kevin Morrowkdmorrow@syr.edu Syracuse University and Corporate Express have formed a new strategic partnership to streamline the procurement process and minimize costs for departmental…
Gift of Life Campaign registers 1,123 potential donors; alumna donates marrow on same day
Gift of Life Campaign registers 1,123 potential donors; alumna donates marrow on same dayNovember 13, 2007Cynthia J. Moritzcjmoritz@syr.edu The Gift of Life campaign sponsored by Hillel at Syracuse University was a record-breaking success. The 1,123 participants, who swabbed their mouths…
SU Library Associates to host lecture on Carnegie Library by author, former SU senior administrator Harvey Kaiser
SU Library Associates to host lecture on Carnegie Library by author, former SU senior administrator Harvey Kaiser November 13, 2007Pamela McLaughlinpwmclaug@syr.edu Syracuse University Library Associates will sponsor a talk by Harvey H. Kaiser, “A Polymath’s Reflections on the Syracuse University…
Barbara Ransby named keynote speaker for Syracuse University’s 2008 Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration
Barbara Ransby named keynote speaker for Syracuse University’s 2008 Martin Luther King Jr. CelebrationNovember 13, 2007Kelly Homan Rodoskikahoman@syr.edu Historian, writer and longtime political activist Barbara Ransby will be the keynote speaker for Syracuse University’s 23rd annual Martin Luther King Jr….
SU’s Luk awarded National Science Foundation grant
SU’s Luk awarded National Science Foundation grantNovember 13, 2007Sara Millersemortim@syr.edu A research initiative led by Yan-Yeung Luk, assistant professor of chemistry in The College of Arts and Sciences at Syracuse University, has received an award from the National Science Foundation…
SU law professors discuss legal crisis in Pakistan
SU law professors discuss legal crisis in Pakistan November 13, 2007Jaclyn D. Grossojgrosso@law.syr.edu Against the backdrop of the recent political crisis in Pakistan, including the imposition of emergency rule, the suspension of fundamental constitutional rights and the imposition of constraints…
Haudenosaunee Conference held at SU
Haudenosaunee Conference held at SUNovember 12, 2007SU News ServicesSUnews@syr.edu Maurice John Sr, president of the Seneca Nation, gives the keynote address at the 4th Annual Haudenosaunee Conference sponsored by the Center for Indigenous Law, Governance & Citizenship at the College…
UMass Professor Lawrence Blum to explore meaning of race, racism, Nov. 28-29
UMass Professor Lawrence Blum to explore meaning of race, racism, Nov. 28-29November 12, 2007Patrick Farrellpmfarrel@syr.edu Lawrence Blum, Distinguished Professor of Liberal Arts and Education and professor of philosophy at the University of Massachusetts, Boston, will address issues concerning race and…
Syracuse University physicists, students help prepare precision silicon detector for Switzerland-based international study measuring properties of B meson particles
Syracuse University physicists, students help prepare precision silicon detector for Switzerland-based international study measuring properties of B meson particles November 12, 2007 Sara Millersemortim@syr.edu One of the most fragile detectors for the Large Hadron Collider beauty (LHCb) experiment, a particle…