Whitman School presents ‘Doing Business in Germany’ forum
Whitman School presents ‘Doing Business in Germany’ forumMarch 04, 2008Amy Schmitzaemehrin@syr.edu The Kiebach Center for International Business Studies in the Whitman School of Management at Syracuse University will co-host a Central New York International Business Alliance (CNYIBA) forum about doing…
The University Lectures hosts award-winning author Robert Satloff, expert on Arab-Israeli peace process, March 18 in Hendricks Chapel
The University Lectures hosts award-winning author Robert Satloff, expert on Arab-Israeli peace process, March 18 in Hendricks ChapelMarch 04, 2008Kelly Homan Rodoskikahoman@syr.edu Robert Satloff, executive director of The Washington Institute and award-winning author of a book on a lost chapter…
‘The Two-Way Street of Scholarship in Action’ subject of Chancellor Cantor’s March 18 University address
‘The Two-Way Street of Scholarship in Action’ subject of Chancellor Cantor’s March 18 University addressMarch 03, 2008Kevin C. Quinnkcquinn@syr.edu Chancellor and President Nancy Cantor will speak to the University community on “The Two-Way Street of Scholarship in Action” on Tuesday,…
Families, divorce, children are focus of June 6 event
Families, divorce, children are focus of June 6 event March 03, 2008Jaclyn D. Grossojgrosso@law.syr.edu With more than 50,000 divorces in New York state each year, thousands of children must endure the emotional distress that often accompanies marital strife. How can…
SU responds to U.S. Senate Finance Committee inquiry on college/university endowments
SU responds to U.S. Senate Finance Committee inquiry on college/university endowmentsMarch 03, 2008Kevin C. Quinnkcquinn@syr.edu In January, the U.S. Senate Finance Committee, led by Chairman Max Baucus (D-MT) and Ranking Member Charles Grassley (R-IA), contacted 136 colleges and universities with…
Journalist Bob Woodruff to deliver 2008 Commencement address for Syracuse University, SUNY-ESF
Journalist Bob Woodruff to deliver 2008 Commencement address for Syracuse University, SUNY-ESFMarch 03, 2008Sara Millersemortim@syr.edu ABC News journalist Bob Woodruff will deliver the 2008 Commencement address to graduates of Syracuse University and the SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry…
Tickets now on sale for third annual Charity Sports Auction April 8 in the Carrier Dome
Tickets now on sale for third annual Charity Sports Auction April 8 in the Carrier DomeFebruary 29, 2008Kate Futrellkofutrel@syr.edu Tickets are now on sale for the third annual Charity Sports Auction, presented by the Syracuse University Sport Management Club, which…
Storytelling event March 7 to raise funds for ‘Reading Grove’ on Corcoran High School campus
Storytelling event March 7 to raise funds for ‘Reading Grove’ on Corcoran High School campusFebruary 29, 2008Patrick Farrellpmfarrel@syr.edu The Ted Grace First Annual Story Fest will take place at 6:30 p.m. on Friday, March 7, on the Corcoran High School…
University Professor Peter Blanck to participate in U.N. Global Initiative for Inclusive Technologies forum in Quito, Ecuador
University Professor Peter Blanck to participate in U.N. Global Initiative for Inclusive Technologies forum in Quito, EcuadorFebruary 28, 2008Jaime Winne Alvarezjlwinne@syr.edu Peter Blanck, University Professor and chair of the Burton Blatt Institute at Syracuse University (BBI), will participate in the…
Paul Taylor Dance Company will perform at Landmark Theatre on March 26
Paul Taylor Dance Company will perform at Landmark Theatre on March 26February 28, 2008Judy Holmesjlholmes@syr.edu Syracuse University’s College of Arts and Sciences will present a return engagement of the internationally acclaimed Paul Taylor Dance Company in a special performance Wednesday,…