Nursing home study finds that short-term care is on the rise in New York state
Nursing home study finds that short-term care is on the rise in New York stateMarch 28, 2008Jill Leonhardtjlleonha@maxwell.syr.edu A new report on New York state nursing homes finds that short-term stays in these facilities have tripled in the past decade…
General public tickets go on sale Saturday, March 29 for Fergie, Sean Kingston concert
General public tickets go on sale Saturday, March 29 for Fergie, Sean Kingston concertMarch 28, 2008Matthew R. Snydermrsnyder@syr.edu General public ticket sales for the Fergie and Sean Kingston April 22 concert at the Carrier Dome will begin Saturday, March 29…
SU, SUNY-ESF to participate in Earth Hour global event
SU, SUNY-ESF to participate in Earth Hour global eventMarch 27, 2008Sara Millersemortim@syr.edu Saturday, March 29, Syracuse University and the SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry (SUNY-ESF) will join cities, universities and businesses around the world as participants in Earth…
SU School of Education open house April 18 to launch new 33 percent scholarship on graduate tuition
SU School of Education open house April 18 to launch new 33 percent scholarship on graduate tuitionMarch 27, 2008Patrick Farrellpmfarrel@syr.edu The Syracuse University School of Education will hold an open house to launch a new scholarship program that offers graduate…
Former governor of Puerto Rico to speak April 3 at The Warehouse
Former governor of Puerto Rico to speak April 3 at The Warehouse March 27, 2008Eileen Jevisejevis@uc.syr.edu The Hon. Rafael Hernandez Colon, who headed the Puerto Rican government for three four-year terms before leaving public office in 1993, will speak to…
‘CNY Pride Families’ exhibition on display at Schine Student Center
‘CNY Pride Families’ exhibition on display at Schine Student CenterMarch 26, 2008Amit Tanejalgbt@syr.edu “CNY Pride Families,” a new exhibition on display in the Panasci Lounge of Syracuse University’s Hildegarde and J. Myer Schine Student Center, features portraits of lesbian, gay,…
Can pricing solutions overcome spam?
Can pricing solutions overcome spam?March 26, 2008Amy Schmitzaemehrin@syr.edu Email has undoubtedly confirmed its use as a powerful communication tool for marketers. At the same time, since its inception, its effectiveness has been steadily and rapidly eroded by the overwhelming multitude…
‘Get on the Bus’ trip visits CFAC, Syracuse Symphony April 4
‘Get on the Bus’ trip visits CFAC, Syracuse Symphony April 4March 26, 2008Sara Millersemortim@syr.edu On Friday, April 4, the public is invited to join the fourth “Get on the Bus” free Connective Corridor bus ride to get a taste of…
Syracuse University to recognize commitment to Scholarship in Action during the Chancellor’s Award for Public Engagement and Scholarship ceremony
Syracuse University to recognize commitment to Scholarship in Action during the Chancellor’s Award for Public Engagement and Scholarship ceremonyMarch 26, 2008Kelly Homan Rodoskikahoman@syr.edu Syracuse University will honor students, faculty, staff and community partners who exemplify SU’s commitment to engagement with…
SU Sport Management Club holds online sports auction in collaboration with Steiner Sports April 1-10; precedes Charity Sports Auction April 8 at Carrier Dome
SU Sport Management Club holds online sports auction in collaboration with Steiner Sports April 1-10; precedes Charity Sports Auction April 8 at Carrier Dome March 26, 2008Kate Futrellkofutrel@syr.edu Beginning April 1, the Syracuse University Sport Management Club, in collaboration with…