Take Back the Night rally, march and speak-out Wednesday night
Take Back the Night rally, march and speak-out Wednesday nightApril 15, 2008Nichelle Rothongndrothon@syr.edu The Syracuse University Office of Prevention Services is hosting a series of events — including workshops, speakers and gatherings — for Take Back the Night, concluding with…
Whitman team wins New Ventures World Competition
Whitman team wins New Ventures World CompetitionApril 15, 2008Amy Schmitzaemehrin@syr.edu Whitman School of Management undergraduate students Greg Ackerman, Rachel Baumann, Michelle Caruso, and Jaclyn Casavant traveled to Nebraska April 10-12 and came home victorious, winning first place for their business…
Environmental Justice and Black Women’s Health Symposium to be held at Syracuse University
Environmental Justice and Black Women’s Health Symposium to be held at Syracuse UniversityApril 15, 2008Kishi Animashaunkanimash@syr.edu The Department of African American Studies at Syracuse University is hosting the Environmental Justice and Black Women’s Health Symposium, addressing the intersections of race,…
‘Stone Canoe’ contributor to read at Delavan as part of Th3
‘Stone Canoe’ contributor to read at Delavan as part of Th3April 15, 2008Eileen Jevisejevis@uc.syr.edu Jennifer Pashley, an author of short fiction whose works were published in the second edition of “Stone Canoe: A Journal of Arts and Ideas from Upstate…
Whitman presents ‘Doing Business in Latin America’ forum
Whitman presents ‘Doing Business in Latin America’ forumApril 15, 2008Amy Schmitzaemehrin@syr.edu The Kiebach Center for International Business Studies in the Whitman School of Management at Syracuse University will co-host a Central New York International Business Alliance (CNYIBA) forum about doing…
Office of Alumni Relations, Traditions Commission to recognize graduating seniors and rising juniors in April 18 candle-lighting ceremony
Office of Alumni Relations, Traditions Commission to recognize graduating seniors and rising juniors in April 18 candle-lighting ceremonyApril 14, 2008SU News ServicesSUnews@syr.edu Syracuse University’s Office of Alumni Relations and the Traditions Commission in the Division of Student Affairs will begin…
World premiere, real-life stories and dreams highlight Syracuse Stage’s 2008-09 season
World premiere, real-life stories and dreams highlight Syracuse Stage’s 2008-09 seasonApril 14, 2008Patrick Finlonstagepr@syr.edu Timothy Bond, producing artistic director, has announced the 36th season at Syracuse Stage. “What a privilege it is for me to welcome you to a new…
MayFest film ‘Including Samuel’ demonstrates importance of inclusion for people with disabilities
MayFest film ‘Including Samuel’ demonstrates importance of inclusion for people with disabilitiesApril 14, 2008Patrick Farrellpmfarrel@syr.edu Syracuse University’s School of Education is sponsoring the MayFest presentation of the film “Including Samuel,” a touching and insightful look at how educational and social…
VPA’s computer art graduate students and faculty celebrate ‘100 million years of progress’ on April 26 with ‘Electric Art Show’
VPA’s computer art graduate students and faculty celebrate ‘100 million years of progress’ on April 26 with ‘Electric Art Show’April 14, 2008Erica Blustesblust@syr.edu Graduate students and faculty in the Department of Transmedia‘s computer art program in Syracuse University’s College of…
SU’s Burkard, Mitchell named 2008 Guggenheim Fellows
SU’s Burkard, Mitchell named 2008 Guggenheim Fellows April 14, 2008Sara Millersemortim@syr.edu The John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation has announced that in its 84th annual competition for the United States and Canada, Syracuse University’s Michael P. Burkard, associate professor of English…