Whitman junior wins annual $10,000 Brethen Scholarship
Amy Mehringer315 443 3834 Alison Schoch, a junior at the Whitman School of Management at Syracuse University, has been awarded the annual Robert H. Brethen Scholarship through the Brethen Operations Management Institute in the Whitman School. The prestigious award, given…
Co-chairs announced for Newhouse School’s second annual Mirror Awards luncheon
Wendy S. Loughlin315 443 2785 Syracuse University’s S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications today announced five co-chairs for the second annual Mirror Awards luncheon, to be held Monday, June 23, at 11:45 a.m. at the Rainbow Room, 30 Rockefeller Plaza,…
SU’s College of Visual and Performing Arts announces inaugural fashion show in New York City May 13; will present Icon of Style award to Emme ’85
Erica Bluste315 443 5891 Syracuse University’s College of Visual and Performing Arts (CVPA) will present its inaugural fashion show in New York City on Tuesday, May 13, at 7:30 p.m. at JPMorgan Chase, One Chase Manhattan Plaza, 60th floor, Manhattan….
Whitman School receives federal grant to create Africa Business Program
Amy Mehringer315 443 v3834 The Kiebach Center for International Business Studies in the Whitman School of Management at Syracuse University is the recipient of a two-year, $177,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Education’s International Business and Education program that…
Syracuse University to present honorary degrees to nine individuals of exceptional achievement at Commencement May 11
Sara Miller315 443 9038 Syracuse University will award honorary degrees to nine individuals of exceptional achievement in the areas of business, physical sciences, performing arts, global literacy, literature, economics and journalism. Honorary degrees will be presented at the 154th Commencement…
Gift from alumnus helps L.C. Smith College of Engineering and Computer Science to establish college’s first Faculty Excellence Award
Trisha Hopkins In Utpal Roy’s “Engineering Graphics and Computer Aided Design” (MAE 184) course, first-year students work collaboratively to create the inner gear mechanisms for a working clock. Students design component pieces on the computer, and their designs are then…
Syracuse Symphony offers $5 rush tickets to SU students for Grammy Award-winning violinist Hilary Hahn May 5
Syracuse Symphony offers $5 rush tickets to SU students for Grammy Award-winning violinist Hilary Hahn May 5April 30, 2008Jaime Winne Alvarezjlwinne@syr.edu The Syracuse Symphony Orchestra (SSO), a community partner with Syracuse University’s Pulse performing arts series, is offering $5 rush…
New Team Against Bias analysis shows trends in timing, nature of bias-related incidents
New Team Against Bias analysis shows trends in timing, nature of bias-related incidentsApril 30, 2008Matthew R. Snydermrsnyder@syr.edu A new analysis of data collected by Syracuse University’s Team Against Bias (TAB) and the Dean of Students Office shows that the vast…
Syracuse University Library to offer Shoah Visual History Archive of Holocaust survivor and witness testimonies
Syracuse University Library to offer Shoah Visual History Archive of Holocaust survivor and witness testimonies April 29, 2008Pamela McLaughlinpwmclaug@syr.edu Syracuse University Library now offers access to the world’s largest archive of visual histories of the Holocaust. The Shoah Foundation Institute’s…
Syracuse University names 2008 University Scholars
Syracuse University names 2008 University ScholarsApril 29, 2008SU News ServicesSUnews@syr.edu Twelve graduating seniors at Syracuse University have received the highest undergraduate academic honor bestowed by the University — designation as Syracuse University Scholars. Additionally, three SUNY College of Environmental Science…