Syracuse University’s Ten Tons of Love drive yields 38 tons of clothing, house wares and food for Central New York charities
Syracuse University’s Ten Tons of Love drive yields 38 tons of clothing, house wares and food for Central New York charitiesMay 28, 2008Carol K. Masiclatclkim@syr.edu There’s a lot of love at Syracuse University — 38 tons, to be exact. That’s…
Syracuse Stage offers $25 tickets to SU faculty and staff and $9 rush tickets to students for ‘Menopause The Musical?’ performance on June 1
Syracuse Stage offers $25 tickets to SU faculty and staff and $9 rush tickets to students for ‘Menopause The Musical?’ performance on June 1May 28, 2008Patrick Finlonstagepr@syr.edu Front: Stephanie Pascaris (Earth Mother); Back: Liz Hyde (Iowa Housewife), Yvette McGregor (Soap…
Graduate School appoints two associate deans focused on graduate student recruitment and retention, and preparation of underrepresented students
Cynthia J. Moritz315 443 9039 To better address University-wide needs in the areas of graduate recruitment, graduate retention and preparation of underrepresented minority groups for graduate study, the Graduate School — in partnership with the Division of Enrollment Management and…
New SU Press book traces CNY’s movie connections
Cynthia J. Moritz315 443 9039 A new book from Syracuse University Press, “Our Movie Houses: A History of Film and Cinematic Innovation in Central New York,” offers a richly detailed account of the origins of American film in Central New…
SU, Adjuncts United reach tentative labor agreement for part-time faculty; ratification vote by mail to occur in June
Kevin Morrow315) 443-3784 Syracuse University and Adjuncts United, a labor union affiliated with the New York State United Teachers Union (AU/NYSUT), have reached tentative agreement on a labor contract for more than 500 part-time faculty at the University. Adjuncts United…
SU Department of Public Safety’s ‘Beards for Food’ program raises money for Food Bank
Josh Blair315 443 8328 Members of the Syracuse University Department of Public Safety (DPS), in conjunction with the SPFPA Union, of which DPS officers are members, have kicked off the second annual “Beards for Food” program, a fundraising effort for…
Chapple begins term as Board of Trustees chair
SU News Services315-443-3784 At Syracuse University’s Board of Trustees annual meeting, held May 10, Chair-elect John H. Chapple ’75 officially assumed board leadership as John A. Couri ’63 completed his term as chair and moved to chair-emeritus status. Additionally, seven…
LGBT Resource Center invites participation in 16th Annual AIDS Walk/Run team
Amit Taneja315 443 3983 The staff of Syracuse University’s Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Resource Center invites SU and SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry students, faculty and staff to join or support the LGBT Resource Center’s team…
SU SIFE places third in semifinals of national exposition
Amy Mehringer315 443 3834 Syracuse University’s Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE) won third place at the semifinals of the SIFE National Exposition, with more than 140 teams in attendance. The team of six Whitman/SU students traveled to Chicago for the…
Safire speaks of science in Washington, D.C.
SU News Services315) 443-3784 Arts and Sciences Dean Cathryn Newton introduces New York Times columnist and author William Safire ’51, H’78 at “Speaking of Science,” held May 27 at The Dana Center in Washington, D.C. Safire moderated a panel discussion…