Burton Blatt Institute’s Brian McLane testifies before NYS Assembly hearing on workforce issues and people with disabilities
Jaime Winne Alvarez315) 443-3784 Brian McLane, executive director of the Burton Blatt Institute (BBI) at Syracuse University, testified on June 2 before the New York State Assembly. The hearing on workforce issues and people with disabilities was convened by the…
SU’s Start-Up hosts guest speaker on disability, self employment
Amy Mehringer315 443 3834 Syracuse University’s Start-Up NY, a collaborative project of the Whitman School of Management, the Burton Blatt Institute Centers of Innovation on Disability, ARISE and the Onondaga County Office of Economic Development and Department of Social Services,…
School of Education’s inaugural Centennial Professor Steven Taylor to develop new undergraduate disabilities studies program
Patrick Farrell315 443 5421 Steven J. Taylor, professor of cultural foundations and co-director of Syracuse University’s Center on Human Policy, Law and Disability Studies, has been named Centennial Professor in Disability Studies in the School of Education. Taylor’s appointment as…
BBI helps support new Global Universal Design Commission; SU’s Peter Blanck named chairman of board
Jaime Winne Alvarez315-443-3784 Peter Blanck, University Professor and chair of the Burton Blatt Institute at Syracuse University (BBI), has been named chairman of the board of directors for the new Global Universal Design Commission Inc. (GUDC). The commission, a nonprofit…
George Langford named dean of Syracuse University’s College of Arts and Sciences
Kevin C. Quinn315-443-8338 George M. Langford, dean of the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, has been named dean of The College of Arts and Sciences at Syracuse University, effective Aug. 11. The appointment…
Syracuse University among partners in newly formed Hubbard Brook Consortium supporting ecosystem science
Kelly Homan Rodoski315 443 5381 Syracuse University is among five institutions that have joined with the Hubbard Brook Research Foundation to form a consortium to support research, education and policy initiatives at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest in central New…
Whitman experts find bundling best strategy for marketers
Amy Mehringer315 443 3834 Have you ever wanted to subscribe to HBO but not CNN? Or have you wanted to buy a TV, DVD player and stereo system all-in-one instead of separately? Component shopping is often a confusing place for…
Syracuse University’s Ten Tons of Love drive yields 38 tons of clothing, house wares and food for Central New York charities
Syracuse University’s Ten Tons of Love drive yields 38 tons of clothing, house wares and food for Central New York charitiesMay 28, 2008Carol K. Masiclatclkim@syr.edu There’s a lot of love at Syracuse University — 38 tons, to be exact. That’s…
Syracuse Stage offers $25 tickets to SU faculty and staff and $9 rush tickets to students for ‘Menopause The Musical?’ performance on June 1
Syracuse Stage offers $25 tickets to SU faculty and staff and $9 rush tickets to students for ‘Menopause The Musical?’ performance on June 1May 28, 2008Patrick Finlonstagepr@syr.edu Front: Stephanie Pascaris (Earth Mother); Back: Liz Hyde (Iowa Housewife), Yvette McGregor (Soap…
titleSyracuse University’s Ten Tons of Love drive yields 38 tons of clothing, house wares and food for Central New York charities
Carol L. Kim315 443 8568 There’s a lot of love at Syracuse University — 38 tons, to be exact. That’s how much volunteers at SU collected as part of Ten Tons of Love, the annual charity drive to collect gently…