SU’s Pulse presents acclaimed singer-songwriter Marc Broussard at Landmark Theatre Aug. 23 as part of ‘Feel the Pulse of Downtown Syracuse’ presented by Student Affairs
SU’s Pulse presents acclaimed singer-songwriter Marc Broussard at Landmark Theatre Aug. 23 as part of ‘Feel the Pulse of Downtown Syracuse’ presented by Student AffairsJuly 08, 2008Jaime Winne Alvarezjlwinne@syr.edu On Saturday, Aug. 23, Syracuse University’s Pulse performing arts series will…
With third issue on the way, award-winning Stone Canoe journal makes first step in Second Life
With third issue on the way, award-winning Stone Canoe journal makes first step in Second LifeJuly 08, 2008Kevin Morrowkdmorrow@syr.edu Syracuse University’s Stone Canoe: A Journal of Arts and Ideas from Upstate New York, has developed a devoted following and a…
South Side Film Festival begins July 11
South Side Film Festival begins July 11July 03, 2008Kelly Homan Rodoskikahoman@syr.edu The Syracuse University South Side Initiative and the Southside Community Coalition will host the popular South Side Film Festival on four upcoming Fridays. The festival is co-sponsored by Visual…
Syracuse University Library receives major gift of more than 200,000 78-rpm sound recordings from family of late Manhattan record store owner Morton J. Savada
Syracuse University Library receives major gift of more than 200,000 78-rpm sound recordings from family of late Manhattan record store owner Morton J. SavadaJuly 02, 2008Pamela McLaughlinpwmclaug@syr.edu Syracuse University Library’s Belfer Audio Laboratory and Archive has received a major gift…
AAHRPP gives full accreditation to Syracuse University’s human subjects research protection program
Sara Miller(315) 443-9038 The Association for the Accreditation of Human Research Protection Programs Inc. (AAHRPP) has granted Syracuse University full accreditation for its human subjects research protection program for the next three years. In meeting AAHRPP’s high accreditation standards, SU…
$50,000 grant to Syracuse University will enable 32 NYC high school students to earn six credits of college-level instruction for free through Summer College in New York City
$50,000 grant to Syracuse University will enable 32 NYC high school students to earn six credits of college-level instruction for free through Summer College in New York CityJune 30, 2008Patrick Farrellpmfarrel@syr.edu Syracuse University and the Friends of the High School…
Hall of Languages roof replacement
SU News Services315-443-3784
National higher education consortium urges reform that values public scholarship
Peter Englot315 443 1921 Higher education leaders in the humanities, arts and design from across the United States are amplifying a wave of reform to recognize public scholarship in faculty tenure and promotion decisions. The catalyst for this movement is…
Syracuse University Chancellor and President Nancy Cantor awarded new contract through 2014
Kevin C. Quinn315-443-8338 The Syracuse University Board of Trustees‘ Compensation Committee and Executive Committee voted unanimously at their June meeting to award Chancellor and President Nancy Cantor a new contract that will extend and solidify the mutual commitment between the…
The Rev. Kelly N. Sprinkle named interim dean of Syracuse University’s Hendricks Chapel
Kelly Homan Rodoski315 443 5381 The Rev. Kelly Norman Sprinkle has been named the interim dean of Syracuse University’s Hendricks Chapel. Sprinkle, the University’s Protestant chaplain, succeeds Dr. Thomas V. Wolfe, who was appointed the University’s interim senior vice president…