Classrooms, teaching labs are open for business in Syracuse University’s new Life Sciences Complex; building will be dedicated on Nov. 7
Classrooms, teaching labs are open for business in Syracuse University’s new Life Sciences Complex; building will be dedicated on Nov. 7August 25, 2008Judy Holmesjlholmes@syr.edu As Syracuse University students moved back to campus last week, a small army of construction workers,…
Teaching about Leonardo da Vinci is focus of Fall 2008 Tolley Lecture
Teaching about Leonardo da Vinci is focus of Fall 2008 Tolley LectureAugust 25, 2008Judy Holmesjlholmes@syr.edu Syracuse University Meredith Professors Samuel Clemence and Gary Radke will present a lecture about their interdisciplinary course “Leonardo da Vinci: Artist and Engineer” Tuesday, Sept….
Shuttle-U-Home pick up moves from Sims to Watson
Shuttle-U-Home pick up moves from Sims to WatsonAugust 25, 2008Josh Blair Starting this semester, the Syracuse University Department of Public Safety’s (DPS) Shuttle-U-Home will pick up riders at Watson Hall instead of Sims Hall. The move will ease congestion at…
Syracuse Architecture announces design competition for sustainable single-family house
Syracuse Architecture announces design competition for sustainable single-family houseAugust 25, 2008Mary Kate O’Brienmcobrien@syr.edu SYracuse University School of Architecture, in partnership with the Syracuse Center of Excellence in Environmental and Energy Systems (Syracuse CoE) and Home HeadQuarters Inc., has launched “From…
Syracuse-born band Ra Ra Riot to open Juice Jam 2008 Sept. 7 on SU campus, along with rapper Talib Kweli and headliner Bloc Party
Syracuse-born band Ra Ra Riot to open Juice Jam 2008 Sept. 7 on SU campus, along with rapper Talib Kweli and headliner Bloc PartyAugust 22, 2008Helen Koutsourades Performing their first ever North American college show, the critically acclaimed English indie…
2008 Syracuse Symposium™ celebrates ‘Migration’
2008 Syracuse Symposium™ celebrates ‘Migration’August 21, 2008Kelly Homan Rodoskikahoman@syr.edu The 2008 Syracuse Symposium™ invites the Syracuse University and Central New York communities to explore “migration” through engaging lectures, concerts, exhibitions and award-winning films during the semester-long intellectual and artistic festival…
Class of 2012 arrives
Class of 2012 arrivesAugust 21, 2008SU News ServicesSUnews@syr.edu Members of the Class of 2012 assemble on the field at the Carrier Dome during Thursday evening’s “From Home to the Dome” event for incoming students. (Photo: Steve Sartori)
Students invited to attend New York State Fair Aug. 30
Students invited to attend New York State Fair Aug. 30August 21, 2008Lisa Picciottolpicciot@syr.edu As a part of Syracuse Welcome 2008, Syracuse University and SUNY Environmental Science and Forestry students will have an opportunity to attend the Great New York State…
Whitman, Start-Up NY host guest speaker on overcoming disabilities in self-employment
Whitman, Start-Up NY host guest speaker on overcoming disabilities in self-employmentAugust 21, 2008Amy Schmitzaemehrin@syr.edu The Whitman School of Management at Syracuse University, in conjunction with the Burton Blatt Institute and Start-Up NY, will host a guest lecture by Kevin Webb…
Timothy Bond, producing artistic director of SU Drama, makes Syracuse Stage directing debut with ‘Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom’
Timothy Bond, producing artistic director of SU Drama, makes Syracuse Stage directing debut with ‘Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom’August 21, 2008Patrick Finlonstagepr@syr.edu Timothy Bond, producing artistic director for the Syracuse University Department of Drama in the College of Visual and Performing…