Student Centers and Programming Services introduces new, more user-friendly website
Student Centers and Programming Services introduces new, more user-friendly websiteSeptember 11, 2008Matthew R. Snydermrsnyder@syr.edu The Office of Student Centers and Programming Services-the Division of Student Affairs unit that provides event and activity space and support-has launched a redesigned, more user-friendly…
Syracuse Architecture returns to Slocum Hall; rededication slated for Homecoming+Reunion Weekend
Syracuse Architecture returns to Slocum Hall; rededication slated for Homecoming+Reunion WeekendSeptember 11, 2008Mary Kate O’Brienmcobrien@syr.edu Slocum Hall, the campus home of the Syracuse University School of Architecture, reopened for the Fall 2008 semester after completion of the historic building’s two-year…
‘New Yorker’ illustrator, graphic novelist Adrian Tomine to speak at Syracuse University Oct. 16
‘New Yorker’ illustrator, graphic novelist Adrian Tomine to speak at Syracuse University Oct. 16September 11, 2008Rob Enslinrmenslin@syr.edu Syracuse Symposium and The Soling Program will present “An Evening With Adrian Tomine” Thursday, Oct. 16, at 7:30 p.m. in Watson Auditorium of…
Renowned Cambridge professor discusses Spartans on film Sept. 23 at Syracuse University
Renowned Cambridge professor discusses Spartans on film Sept. 23 at Syracuse UniversitySeptember 11, 2008Rob Enslinrmenslin@syr.edu Paul Cartledge, professor of Greek history at the University of Cambridge, kicks off the 2008-09 Moses Finley Memorial Lecture Series at Syracuse University with a…
IJPM, Carnegie Legal Reporting Program host Constitution Day event Sept. 17 on assessing coverage of 2008 presidential campaign
IJPM, Carnegie Legal Reporting Program host Constitution Day event Sept. 17 on assessing coverage of 2008 presidential campaign September 11, 2008Jaime Winne Alvarezjlwinne@syr.edu The Institute for the Study of the Judiciary, Politics and the Media at Syracuse University (IJPM) and…
Schola Cantorum of Syracuse presents music from Michelangelo era Oct. 19 in Setnor Auditorium
Schola Cantorum of Syracuse presents music from Michelangelo era Oct. 19 in Setnor AuditoriumSeptember 11, 2008Rob Enslinrmenslin@syr.edu Schola Cantorum of Syracuse, directed by Joyce Irwin, makes its Setnor Auditorium debut at Syracuse University with a special program titled “Music to…
Fulbright Scholar and Professor of Child and Family Studies Jaipaul Roopnarine Launches College of Human Ecology Research Center Seminar Series Sept. 22
Fulbright Scholar and Professor of Child and Family Studies Jaipaul Roopnarine Launches College of Human Ecology Research Center Seminar Series Sept. 22September 11, 2008Michele Barrettmibarret@syr.edu Jaipaul Roopnarine, professor of child and family studies and a Fulbright Scholar, will launch the…
Cold Case Justice Initiative at SU College of Law issues statement on U.S. Court of Appeals reversal of conviction of James Ford Seale for Civil Rights era murders
Cold Case Justice Initiative at SU College of Law issues statement on U.S. Court of Appeals reversal of conviction of James Ford Seale for Civil Rights era murdersSeptember 11, 2008Jaclyn D. Grossojgrosso@law.syr.edu The Cold Case Justice Initiative (CCJI) at Syracuse…
Syracuse University researchers part of global scientific achievement in high-energy physics
Syracuse University researchers part of global scientific achievement in high-energy physicsSeptember 10, 2008Judy Holmesjlholmes@syr.edu A team of Syracuse University scientists celebrated with thousands of scientists across the world as the first beam of protons zoomed at nearly the speed of…
Whitman to host lecture on pricing fashion products
Whitman to host lecture on pricing fashion productsSeptember 10, 2008Amy Schmitzaemehrin@syr.edu Ever wonder how retailers determine the best price for winter boots before snow has even fallen? Or how to sell a high-priced bathing suit before the season passes and…