SU’s College of Visual and Performing Arts announces named professorships for Shapiro, Ingram and Clark
SU’s College of Visual and Performing Arts announces named professorships for Shapiro, Ingram and ClarkSeptember 29, 2008Erica Blustesblust@syr.edu Three faculty members in Syracuse University’s College of Visual and Performing Arts (VPA) are new recipients of named professorships in the college….
Department of Drama opens 2008-09 season with nonstop music and dancing in Kander and Ebb’s ‘Steel Pier’ Oct. 3-12
Department of Drama opens 2008-09 season with nonstop music and dancing in Kander and Ebb’s ‘Steel Pier’ Oct. 3-12September 29, 2008Patrick Finlonstagepr@syr.edu On Oct. 3, the Department of Drama in Syracuse University’s College of Visual and Performing Arts (VPA) opens…
Architect Neil Denari to lecture at Syracuse Architecture
Architect Neil Denari to lecture at Syracuse ArchitectureSeptember 29, 2008Elaine Wackerowedwacker@syr.edu Neil Denari, principal of Neil M. Denari Architects (NMDA) in Los Angeles and professor-in-residence in the Architecture and Urban Design department at UCLA, will speak at the Syracuse University…
SU’s Pulse performing arts series presents ‘Adventures in Great Music’ with Syracuse Symphony and guests artists Rachel Lee, Eileen Strempel Oct. 13
SU’s Pulse performing arts series presents ‘Adventures in Great Music’ with Syracuse Symphony and guests artists Rachel Lee, Eileen Strempel Oct. 13September 26, 2008Jaime Winne Alvarezjlwinne@syr.edu Syracuse University’s Pulse performing arts series will present “Adventures in Great Music” with the…
SU Architecture’s Robbins receives top educator award
SU Architecture’s Robbins receives top educator awardSeptember 26, 2008Mary Kate O’Brienmcobrien@syr.edu Mark Robbins, dean of the Syracuse University School of Architecture, has received the 2008 Educator Award from the American Institute of Architects, New York State (AIANYS). Robbins was recognized…
Dark Elegy sculpture exhibition begins Pan Am 103 20th anniversary commemoration on Syracuse University campus
Dark Elegy sculpture exhibition begins Pan Am 103 20th anniversary commemoration on Syracuse University campusSeptember 26, 2008SU News ServicesSUnews@syr.edu They are testaments to the impact of terrorism: sculptures portraying mothers going back to the exact moment they learned their child…
Student Habitat for Humanity group plans to build and live in shacks on the SU Quad
Student Habitat for Humanity group plans to build and live in shacks on the SU QuadSeptember 26, 2008Matthew R. Snydermrsnyder@syr.edu As Syracuse University, Home HeadQuarters and other organizations engage with the challenge of creating affordable, quality housing in the City…
College of Law welcomes community to global poverty solutions conference
Jaclyn D. Grosso(315) 443-9534 How do we end the cycle of poverty? What role does community economic development play? These are the central questions being asked at the Syracuse University symposium “Exploring Solutions to Poverty: A Global Perspective Through the…
Adjuncts United to have open enrollment meetings
Adjuncts United to have open enrollment meetingsSeptember 25, 2008SU News ServicesSUnews@syr.edu Adjuncts United members should plan to attend one of the open enrollment informational meetings for part-time faculty eligible for the Adjuncts United Modified Benefits Plan: Thursday, Oct. 2, 9-11…
As students prepare for pivotal elections, SU launches ambitious Rock the Vote campaign
As students prepare for pivotal elections, SU launches ambitious Rock the Vote campaignSeptember 25, 2008Matthew R. Snydermrsnyder@syr.edu The 2008 general election is galvanizing young people nationwide. Closer to home, reported figures indicate a 160 percent increase in turnout among voters…