Successful upstate companies to share their stories at Lab-to-Market Conference
Jaclyn D. Grosso(315) 443-9534 This year’s Lab-to-Market Conference, “Commercializing University Inventions: Case Studies,” will be held on Friday, Nov. 7, at the Welch Allyn Lodge in Skaneateles, N.Y. CEOs of six upstate New York early-stage companies will present the ways…
Syracuse University to host groundbreaking symposium on Holocaust education Oct. 23-31
Syracuse University to host groundbreaking symposium on Holocaust education Oct. 23-31October 09, 2008Kelly Homan Rodoskikahoman@syr.edu Marilyn Ziering G’56 and the Ziering Family Foundation will sponsor the “Symposium on Holocaust Education: A Tribute to the Voices Lost,” a groundbreaking week of…
Architect Stephen Cassell to lecture at Syracuse Architecture
Elaine Wackerow(315) 443-6004 Stephen Cassell, Syracuse Architecture visiting critic and principal of ARO (Architecture Research Office), New York City, will speak at the Syracuse University School of Architecture on Tuesday, Oct. 21, at 5 p.m. in Slocum Hall Auditorium. His…
SU’s Newhouse School awards first fellowships for freelance legal reporting
SU’s Newhouse School awards first fellowships for freelance legal reporting October 09, 2008Wendy S. Loughlinwsloughl@syr.edu Syracuse University’s S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications has announced the first round of winners in the Carnegie/Newhouse School Legal Reporting Fellowships. The new fellowship…
World-renowned architect Francois Roche to speak at Syracuse Architecture
Elaine Wackerow(315) 443-6004 Francois Roche, co-founder/director of R&Sie(n) Architects, Paris, and visiting professor at Columbia University, will speak at the Syracuse University School of Architecture on Thursday, Oct. 16, at 6:30 p.m. in Slocum Hall Auditorium. His lecture, “BI[r]O- BO[o]T/Ecosophical…
Nov. 1 presentation by animal behavior and welfare expert Temple Grandin to benefit SU’s Facilitated Communication Institute
Nov. 1 presentation by animal behavior and welfare expert Temple Grandin to benefit SU’s Facilitated Communication InstituteOctober 09, 2008Patrick Farrellpmfarrel@syr.edu Nationally known animal behavior and welfare expert Temple Grandin will appear at this year’s Syracuse Invitational Sporthorse Tournament to benefit…
Evolution of whales is topic for annual Phi Beta Kappa lecture
Judy Holmes(315) 443-2201 Phi Beta Kappa Visiting Scholar Philip Gingerich, the Case Collegiate Professor of Paleontology at the University of Michigan, will present “Origin of Early Evolution of Whales: A Profound Transition from Land to Sea” Thursday, Oct. 30, at…
Syracuse University to host groundbreaking symposium on Holocaust education
Kelly Homan Rodoski(315) 443-3784 Marilyn Ziering G’56 and the Ziering Family Foundation will sponsor the “Symposium on Holocaust Education: A Tribute to the Voices Lost,” a groundbreaking week of events Oct. 23-31 on the Syracuse University campus that will bring…
iSchool team receives NSF grant to create ‘new breed of information professional’
Margaret Spillett(315) 443-1069 A biologist studying the way chemotherapy interacts with a tumor at the cellular level works years to develop the expertise needed to assess those changes. Meanwhile, advances in technology that enable the biologist to store, retrieve, manipulate…
Pulitzer Prize-winning author Susan Faludi to present keynote address for Syracuse University symposium on feminist rhetoric, social justice
Pulitzer Prize-winning author Susan Faludi to present keynote address for Syracuse University symposium on feminist rhetoric, social justiceOctober 07, 2008Judy Holmesjlholmes@syr.edu Journalist and Pulitzer Prize-winning author Susan Faludi will present “Why Feminism Still Matters” at 7:30 p.m., Thursday, Oct. 23,…