Cooper Union Dean Anthony Vidler to lecture at Syracuse Architecture
Elaine Wackerow Anthony Vidler, dean of Cooper Union School of Architecture, New York City, will speak at the Syracuse University School of Architecture on Tuesday, Oct. 28, at 5 p.m. in Slocum Hall Auditorium. His lecture, “Whatever Happened to Ecology?…
‘Symposium on Holocaust Education’ to present free screening of films by Kofman, Shapiro
Erica Blust(315) 443-5891 Syracuse University’s “Symposium on Holocaust Education: A Tribute to the Voices Lost” will present a film screening Monday, Oct. 27, at 7 p.m. at the Everson Museum of Art, 401 Harrison St., Syracuse. The screening, which is…
Alan Alda, Rod Lurie to visit Newhouse School for ‘Nothing but the Truth’ advance screening
Wendy S. Loughlin(315) 443-2785 The Tully Center for Free Speech in Syracuse University’s S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications will host an advance screening of the film “Nothing But the Truth” on Thursday, Oct. 30, at 6:45 p.m. in the…
Community Folk Art Center starts Creative Kids Club
Community Folk Art Center starts Creative Kids ClubOctober 22, 2008Cjala Surratt The Community Folk Art Center (CFAC) is starting a Creative Arts Kids Club for children ages 5-11, to meet on Saturdays from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. The club will meet…
‘Symposium on Holocaust Education’ to present free screening of films by Kofman, Shapiro Oct. 27
‘Symposium on Holocaust Education’ to present free screening of films by Kofman, Shapiro Oct. 27October 22, 2008Erica Blustesblust@syr.edu Syracuse University’s “Symposium on Holocaust Education: A Tribute to the Voices Lost”will present a film screening Monday, Oct. 27, at 7 p.m….
Xerox president to discuss leadership at Whitman School
Xerox president to discuss leadership at Whitman SchoolOctober 22, 2008Amy Schmitzaemehrin@syr.edu Ever wondered if it is really possible to start at the very bottom of an organization and work your way to the top? That’s just what Ursula M. Burns…
Alan Alda, Rod Lurie to visit SU’s Newhouse School for ‘Nothing but the Truth’ advance screening Oct. 30
Alan Alda, Rod Lurie to visit SU’s Newhouse School for ‘Nothing but the Truth’ advance screening Oct. 30October 22, 2008Wendy S. Loughlinwsloughl@syr.edu The Tully Center for Free Speech in Syracuse University’s S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications will host an…
Burton Blatt Institute creates public learning campaign to challenge perceptions toward individuals with disabilities
Me’Shae Rolling(315) 443-8455 Peter Blanck, chairman of the Burton Blatt Institute (BBI) at Syracuse University, has announced the creation of a public learning campaign to challenge negative perceptions about the ability of individuals with disabilities. “It is our intention to…
South Side Innovation Center holds holiday expo; local entrepreneurs invited to participate
Amy Mehringer(315) 443-3834 Syracuse University’s South Side Innovation Center (SSIC), a community-based microenterprise incubator operated by SU’s Whitman School of Management, invites local artisans and food entrepreneurs to participate in the SSIC’s Entrepreneurial Holiday Exhibit. Artisans and food entrepreneurs will…
Xerox president to discuss leadership at Whitman School
Amy Mehringer(315) 443-3834 Ever wondered if it is really possible to start at the very bottom of an organization and work your way to the top? That’s just what Ursula M. Burns was able to do. Burns, who started her…