Library announces Learning Commons appointments
Pamela McLaughlin(315) 443-9788 Lesley Pease and Brandi Porter have been appointed to leadership positions in Syracuse University Library‘s new Learning Commons (LC). Pease will serve as director and Porter as associate director of the new facility. Pease oversees the operation,…
M-LAB: where learning sneaks up on students while they are having fun
Judy Holmes(315) 443-2201 “It’s cold in here,” complained the students as they slowly filtered into the M-LAB, a mobile classroom parked outside Syracuse City School District’s Fowler High School. “Don’t worry, it will warm up really fast–you know, body heat!”…
Social work students explore foster care policy at 10th Annual James L. Stone Legislative Policy Symposium
Michele Barrett(315) 443-6172 The critical role social workers and other human service professionals must play as advocates for young adults transitioning from foster care to independent living is the focus of the 10th Annual James L. Stone Legislative Policy Symposium…
Senior personnel changes take place at Maxwell School
Jill Leonhardt(315) 443-5492 Maxwell School Dean Mitchel Wallerstein has announced three senior personnel changes–two new staff members in the Dean’s Office and a new director of the school’s Executive Education Program. Lisa C. Honan has been named assistant dean for…
‘Saving Juice in the ‘Cuse’ residence hall competition begins in November
Melissa Cadwell443-9669 Syracuse University’s Office of Residence Life, ResidenceHall Association and Sustainability Division in the Office of Energy and Computing Management are sponsoring the second annual Saving Juice in the ‘Cuse contest in November. This competition between campus residence hall…
SU student volunteers train to assist Syracuse Say Yes to Education program
Susan Feightner(315) 443-1525 The Syracuse Say Yes to Education program held its first training session for more than 80 Syracuse University student volunteers at the Inn Complete on South Campus on Saturday, Oct. 18. The students will assist with an…
SU social work students explore foster care policy issues at 10th Annual James L. Stone Legislative Policy Symposium
SU social work students explore foster care policy issues at 10th Annual James L. Stone Legislative Policy SymposiumOctober 23, 2008Michele Barrettmibarret@syr.edu The critical role social workers and other human service professionals must play as advocates for young adults transitioning from…
Saving Juice in the ‘Cuse residence hall competition begins in November
Saving Juice in the ‘Cuse residence hall competition begins in NovemberOctober 23, 2008Melissa Cadwellmacadwel@syr.edu Syracuse University’s Office of Residence Life, ResidenceHall Association and Sustainability Division in the Office of Energy and Computing Management are sponsoring the second annual Saving Juice…
Delivering bad news to be topic of Pathways to Knowledge lecture
Delivering bad news to be topic of Pathways to Knowledge lectureOctober 23, 2008Janel Martinezjmarti11@syr.edu The second installment of the Fall 2008 Pathways to Knowledge: A Lecture Series for Undergraduates and Graduates is Tuesday, Oct. 28, at 7 p.m. Jennifer Flad,…
Cooper Union Dean Anthony Vidler to lecture at Syracuse Architecture
Elaine Wackerow Anthony Vidler, dean of Cooper Union School of Architecture, New York City, will speak at the Syracuse University School of Architecture on Tuesday, Oct. 28, at 5 p.m. in Slocum Hall Auditorium. His lecture, “Whatever Happened to Ecology?…