Syracuse University researchers discover new way to attack some forms of leukemia
Syracuse University researchers discover new way to attack some forms of leukemiaOctober 28, 2008Judy Holmesjlholmes@syr.edu Each year, some 29,000 adults and 2,000 children are diagnosed with leukemia, a form of cancer that is caused by the abnormal production of white…
Exhibition on ‘The Persecution of the Jews of Italy’ opens at Winnick Hillel Center
Brian Small(315) 422-5082 ext 206 Hillel at Syracuse University is hosting the U.S. premiere of the exhibition “1938- 1945: The Persecution of the Jews of Italy” through April 1, 2009. This new exhibition about the Italian Holocaust experience consists of…
Architecture students to share M-LAB project experience with Colgate audience
Susan Feightner(315) 443-1525 Three original team members of the Syracuse University sculpture class that designed and built the Mobile Literacy Arts Bus (M-LAB) will discuss the project and its mission during a lecture for the Art and Art History Department…
Whitman to host Youth Entrepreneurs of Syracuse (YES) Conference
Amy Mehringer(315) 443-3834 The Falcone Center for Entrepreneurship in the Whitman School of Management at Syracuse University will launch its first-ever Youth Entrepreneurs of Syracuse (YES) Conference on Nov. 8. This full-day event, scheduled to take place at the Whitman…
Zipcar program begins on campus
Sara Miller(315) 443-9038 Syracuse University and Zipcar, the world’s largest provider of cars on demand by the hour or day, today announced a joint partnership to provide Zipcars on campus to University faculty, staff and students as an environmentally friendly…
Syracuse University begins Zipcar program on campus
Syracuse University begins Zipcar program on campusOctober 28, 2008Sara Millersemortim@syr.edu Syracuse University and Zipcar, the world’s largest provider of cars on demand by the hour or day, today announced a joint partnership to provide Zipcars on campus to University faculty,…
SU Architecture students to share M-LAB project experience with Colgate audience
SU Architecture students to share M-LAB project experience with Colgate audienceOctober 28, 2008Susan Feightnersfeightn@syr.edu Three original team members of the Syracuse University sculpture class that designed and built the Mobile Literacy Arts Bus (M-LAB) will discuss the project and its…
SU Library sponsors fall Food for Fines event Nov. 20
Pamela McLaughlin(315) 443-9788 It’s the ultimate win/win/win proposition: borrowers get a break on their fines, the library gets back overdue and missing materials, and families in Onondaga County struggling to keep food on the table get a helping hand. And…
Vice Chancellor and Provost Eric F. Spina to speak about building on Syracuse University’s momentum, honor professors in Nov. 3 address to the faculty
Vice Chancellor and Provost Eric F. Spina to speak about building on Syracuse University’s momentum, honor professors in Nov. 3 address to the facultyOctober 27, 2008Kelly Homan Rodoskikahoman@syr.edu Syracuse University Vice Chancellor and Provost Eric F. Spina will deliver his…
Syracuse University faculty member receives national folklore prize
Judy Holmes(315) 443-2201 Felicia McMahon, research associate professor in the Department of Anthropology in Syracuse University’s Maxwell School and instructor in The Renée Crown University Honors Program, has been awarded the 2008 Chicago Folklore Prize by the American Folklore Society…