SU researchers partner with RPI in NASA-funded New York Center for Astrobiology
Judy Holmes(315) 443-2201 With today’s opening of the New York Center for Astrobiology at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, N.Y., Syracuse University researchers will join a national effort to advance the understanding of the origin and distribution of life in…
Syracuse University researchers partner with RPI in NASA-funded New York Center for Astrobiology
Syracuse University researchers partner with RPI in NASA-funded New York Center for AstrobiologyNovember 24, 2008Judy Holmesjlholmes@syr.edu With today’s opening of the New York Center for Astrobiology at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, N.Y., Syracuse University researchers will join a national…
ORANGE ALERT ISSUED AT 11:39 A.M. FOR SHOTS FIREDNovember 24, 2008SU News ServicesSUnews@syr.edu Gunshots have been fired in the 900 block of Madison Street. Seek shelter, lock or barricade the door, await further instructions. Call the Department of Public Safety…
ORANGE ALERT LIFTED AT 12:24 P.M.– RESUME NORMAL CAMPUS SCHEDULENovember 24, 2008SU News ServicesSUnews@syr.edu The shooting victim is not affiliated with the University, and the suspect vehicle, a silver Hyundai Elentra, was last seen heading north away from campus. Resume…
Message from DPS Chief Callisto about today’s ORANGE ALERT activation
Message from DPS Chief Callisto about today’s ORANGE ALERT activationNovember 24, 2008SU News Servicessunews@syr.edu To the University community: Earlier today, the Department of Public Safety successfully activated its first real-situation use of the ORANGE ALERT emergency notification system, immediately after…
Syracuse University Library acquires National Plastics Center collection, artifacts
Pamela McLaughlin(315) 443-9788 Syracuse University Library and the National Plastics Center in Leominster, Mass., have signed a Memorandum of Understanding transferring the center’s collection to the library and creating the National Plastics Center at Syracuse University. Founded in 1982, the…
Ten Tons of Love drive adds winter collection
Eileen Jevis(315) 443-3527 The Ten Tons of Love donation drive is adding a winter collection to its annual spring effort to assist those in need with clothing, household items, nonperishable food, books and school supplies. Syracuse University students, both on…
Syracuse University to observe Transgender Day of Remembrance Thursday, Nov. 20, at noon at Hendricks Chapel
Matthew R. Snyder(315) 443-7082 On Thursday, Nov. 20, at noon in Hendricks Chapel, Syracuse University will observe the annual Transgender Day of Remembrance, a day to honor the hundreds of individuals who have lost their lives since 1970 due to…
Syracuse University commemorates 20th annual World AIDS Day with AIDS quilt exhibition, other events Dec. 1-3 at Oncenter
Syracuse University commemorates 20th annual World AIDS Day with AIDS quilt exhibition, other events Dec. 1-3 at OncenterNovember 20, 2008Carol K. Masiclatclkim@syr.edu Dec. 1 marks the 20th anniversary of World AIDS Day, a global event dedicated to raising money for…
Syracuse University Archivist Edward Galvin, Montauk artist Suse Lowenstein honored for their work in advancing the legacy of Pan Am Flight 103
Syracuse University Archivist Edward Galvin, Montauk artist Suse Lowenstein honored for their work in advancing the legacy of Pan Am Flight 103 November 20, 2008Kelly Homan Rodoskikahoman@syr.edu Edward L. Galvin, Syracuse University archivist, and Suse Lowenstein of Montauk, N.Y., mother…