New Library website available for preview, comment
Pamela McLaughlin(315) 443-9788 The University Library has released a beta version of its new website for trial and comment. The beta site, found at http://libtest2.syr.edu, is available from on-campus locations at this time and will be available from off campus…
University enters Peace Corps’ annual top colleges ranking
SU News Services(315) 443-3784 Syracuse University has entered the Peace Corps’ top 25 list of medium-size schools (enrollment of 5,001-15,000 undergraduates) producing Peace Corps volunteers. With 19 alumni currently serving as Peace Corps volunteers, SU is 24th in the rankings….
Poetry Palooza to feature visit by top American culture historian
Rob Enslin(315) 443-3403 The English department at Syracuse University is partnering with CNY Reads, the YMCA’s Downtown Writer’s Center and the Onondaga County Public Library to present two events that promote the public discussion and enjoyment of poetry. The first,…
University of Haifa’s Rimmerman is Visiting Distinguished Professor at Newhouse School, senior fellow of BBI
Me’Shae Rolling(315) 443-8455 Arie Rimmerman, the Richard Crossman Chair for Social Welfare & Planning and distinguished faculty member in the School of Social Work, Social Welfare and Health Studies at the University of Haifa in Israel, will teach as Visiting…
Putting It Together: Feast of Sondheim favorites to visit Syracuse Stage
Patrick Finlon(315) 443-2636 A swanky Manhattan cocktail party provides the setting for a cast of five who use Stephen Sondheim’s exquisite songs to examine the ups and downs of two relationships in “Putting it Together,” running Jan. 27-Feb. 15 at…
Pramod Varshney named director of CASE Center
Kelly Homan Rodoski(315) 443-3784 Pramod Varshney, Distinguished Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science in Syracuse University’s L.C. Smith College of Engineering and Computer Science, has been named director of the Center for Advanced Systems and Engineering (CASE) at Syracuse…
SU’s Newhouse School, College of Visual and Performing Arts to celebrate release of ‘3-D Piano’ with special concert event Feb. 10
SU’s Newhouse School, College of Visual and Performing Arts to celebrate release of ‘3-D Piano’ with special concert event Feb. 10January 16, 2009Wendy S. Loughlinwsloughl@syr.edu A six-DVD series on piano teaching and playing “3-D Piano” will be launched with a…
R.A.P.E. Center seeks volunteer advocate applicants
R.A.P.E. Center seeks volunteer advocate applicantsJanuary 16, 2009SU News ServicesSUnews@syr.edu The Syracuse University R.A.P.E. Center is seeking applications and nominations for volunteer advocates to attend training in January-February 2009. The R.A.P.E. Center provides 24-hour, year-round support and assistance to SU…
SU’s Bob Gates mounts photography exhibit at Le Moyne College, Jan. 26-Feb. 20
SU’s Bob Gates mounts photography exhibit at Le Moyne College, Jan. 26-Feb. 20January 16, 2009Rob Enslinrmenslin@syr.edu Bob Gates, associate professor of English in Syracuse University’s College of Arts and Sciences, is mounting a photography exhibit at Le Moyne College titled…
Pramod Varshney named director of Syracuse University’s CASE Center
Pramod Varshney named director of Syracuse University’s CASE CenterJanuary 16, 2009Kelly Homan Rodoskikahoman@syr.edu Pramod Varshney, Distinguished Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science in Syracuse University’s L.C. Smith College of Engineering and Computer Science, has been named director of the…