Eastman School of Music’s student-run new music ensemble to present free concert Feb. 21
Eastman School of Music’s student-run new music ensemble to present free concert Feb. 21February 16, 2009Erica Blustesblust@syr.edu Ossia, the Eastman School of Music’s student-run new music ensemble, will present a concert of works by Eastman faculty composers Saturday, Feb. 21,…
Message from Chancellor Nancy Cantor on Death of SU Student
Message from Chancellor Nancy Cantor on Death of SU StudentFebruary 15, 2009SU News ServicesSUnews@syr.edu Dear Students, Faculty, and Staff, It is with great sadness that I reach out to you today to inform you about the loss of one of…
‘Transitions’ symposium explores contemporary role of multicultural designers
‘Transitions’ symposium explores contemporary role of multicultural designersFebruary 13, 2009Elaine Wackerowedwacker@syr.edu The Syracuse University chapter of the Society of Multicultural Architects and Designers (SMAD), the National Organization of Minority Architect Students (NOMAS) and Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc., Delta Zeta…
Former Pennsylvania governor/U.S. attorney general to lecture Feb. 18 at SU
Former Pennsylvania governor/U.S. attorney general to lecture Feb. 18 at SUFebruary 13, 2009Jaclyn D. Grossojgrosso@law.syr.edu As part of its Law Success Program, the Syracuse University College of Law will host Richard Thornburgh, former governor of Pennsylvania and distinguished public servant,…
New book by SU philosopher sheds light on life and death
New book by SU philosopher sheds light on life and deathFebruary 13, 2009Rob Enslinrmenslin@syr.edu What constitutes a “good” life? Is death necessarily “bad?” If so, how can we understand death better? These questions and more are addressed in a much-anticipated…
School of Education’s Bellini, Taylor recognized by CNY rehabilitation counselors group
School of Education’s Bellini, Taylor recognized by CNY rehabilitation counselors groupFebruary 13, 2009Patrick Farrellpmfarrel@syr.edu The board of directors of Rehabilitation Counselors of Central New York (RCACNY) has chosen two School of Education faculty members to receive awards at the organization’s…
SCSD students spend spring break exploring science, math at Le Moyne in program sponsored by SU GEAR UP
Susan Feightner(315) 443-1525 Dozens of Syracuse City School District (SCSD) middle and high school students will be spending their spring break week participating in a Le Moyne College GEAR UP Enrichment Program, sponsored by Syracuse University GEAR UP. SUGEAR UP…
Bridget Carpenter’s ‘Up’ makes East Coast premiere at Syracuse Stage on Feb. 25
Patrick Finlon(315) 443-3626 Bridget Carpenter’s “Up” will run Feb. 27-March 15 at Syracuse Stage. Previews will run Wednesday, Feb. 25, and Thursday, Feb. 26. Carpenter is a young American playwright on the rise. In this contemporary parable, based on the…
Shen Wei, artistic director of New York-based Shen Wei Dance Arts and contributor to the 2008 Beijing Olympics Opening Ceremonies, to be in residence at Syracuse University beginning Feb. 24
Shen Wei, artistic director of New York-based Shen Wei Dance Arts and contributor to the 2008 Beijing Olympics Opening Ceremonies, to be in residence at Syracuse University beginning Feb. 24February 12, 2009Kelly Homan Rodoskikahoman@syr.edu In 1995, 26-year-old dancer and choreographer…
Shen Wei, contributor to the 2008 Beijing Olympics Opening Ceremonies, to be in residence at SU
Kelly Homan Rodoski(315) 443-3784 In 1995, 26-year-old dancer and choreographer Shen Wei emigrated from his native China to the United States. That year, he presented his work at the prestigious American Dance Festival; an international audience immediately took notice. More…