Introducing SU Showcase
Introducing SU ShowcaseFebruary 18, 2009Kathleen Hopkinskhopkins@syr.edu In conjunction with the Syracuse University Soling Program, Hill Communications has announced the unveiling of the SU Showcase, to be held on April 21. The event will be a complete redesign of the academic…
Documentary with Newhouse professor’s audio work is nominated for Academy Award
Documentary with Newhouse professor’s audio work is nominated for Academy AwardFebruary 18, 2009SU News ServicesSUnews@syr.edu Douglas Quin, associate professor of television, radio and film in Syracuse University’s S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications, was mixer and principal sound designer for…
Belfer Cylinders Digital Connection offers historic cylinder sound recordings on the Web
Belfer Cylinders Digital Connection offers historic cylinder sound recordings on the WebFebruary 18, 2009Pamela McLaughlinpwmclaug@syr.edu Syracuse University Library’s Belfer Audio Archive now offers Web access to its collection of cylinder sound recordings. Cylinders were the earliest form of commercially produced…
Sustainable Enterprise Partnership announces next round of mini-grant funding for sustainability research
Sustainable Enterprise Partnership announces next round of mini-grant funding for sustainability researchFebruary 18, 2009Sara Millersemortim@syr.edu The Sustainable Enterprise Partnership (SEP), a distinctive transdisciplinary approach to world-class education and research on business and sustainability partnering Syracuse University’s Whitman School of Management,…
Frontiers of Science lecture to explore physics of jamming
Frontiers of Science lecture to explore physics of jammingFebruary 18, 2009Judy Holmesjlholmes@syr.edu The second installment of the Spring 2009 Frontiers of Science Lecture Series will feature assistant professor of physics Jennifer Schwarz presenting “Jamming in Granular Materials” Wednesday, March 4,…
College of Visual and Performing Arts opens Hot Shop in downtown Syracuse
College of Visual and Performing Arts opens Hot Shop in downtown SyracuseFebruary 18, 2009Erica Blustesblust@syr.edu Syracuse University’s College of Visual and Performing Arts (VPA) is opening a new venue in downtown Syracuse to showcase the work of its students, faculty,…
VPA to open gallery Feb. 28 with Ludwig Stein’s ‘Selections’
VPA to open gallery Feb. 28 with Ludwig Stein’s ‘Selections’February 18, 2009Erica Blustesblust@syr.edu Syracuse University’s College of Visual and Performing Arts (VPA) will celebrate the opening of a new venue in downtown Syracuse with an inaugural exhibition by one of…
Mellon CNY Humanities Corridor presents ‘Music and Spectacle’ series at Eastman and Syracuse, March 2-5
Mellon CNY Humanities Corridor presents ‘Music and Spectacle’ series at Eastman and Syracuse, March 2-5February 18, 2009Rob Enslinrmenslin@syr.edu The Musicology/Music History Cluster of the Mellon Central New York Humanities Corridor -a large-scale partnership with Syracuse University, Cornell University and the…
Book talk by Syracuse University Press author Michael Pearson slated
Book talk by Syracuse University Press author Michael Pearson slatedFebruary 18, 2009Mona Hamlinmhamlin@syr.edu Author Michael Pearson will speak on his new Syracuse University Press publication, “Innocents Abroad Too: Journeys Around the World on Semester at Sea,” March 7 at 2…
Adrienne Asch to address implications of prenatal testing, disability equity Feb. 26
Michele Barrett(315) 443-6172 Speaking on the featured topic “Disability Equity and Prenatal Testing: Contradictory or Compatible?” Adrienne Asch, director of the Center for Ethics at Yeshiva University, will offer perspectives on the implications of genetic diagnoses and the status of…