‘Remaking America: Universities as Anchor Institutions-the Syracuse Example’ is subject of Chancellor Cantor’s March 19 University address
‘Remaking America: Universities as Anchor Institutions-the Syracuse Example’ is subject of Chancellor Cantor’s March 19 University addressMarch 09, 2009Kevin C. Quinnkcquinn@syr.edu In light of President Obama’s call to action for universities to use their intellectual capital to reform our schools,…
Light Work to present exhibition ‘Limbo,’ showcasing work of Admas Habteslasie
Light Work to present exhibition ‘Limbo,’ showcasing work of Admas HabteslasieMarch 09, 2009Jessica Heckmanjhheckma@syr.edu Light Work will host the exhibition “Limbo,” featuring the work of Admas Habteslasie, March 16-June 12. The images from this series depict a graceful yet unusually…
Pulse concert by Idina Menzel to celebrate Women’s History Month at SU
Pulse concert by Idina Menzel to celebrate Women’s History Month at SUMarch 05, 2009Jennifer Bevilacqua Kirkegaard jmbevila@syr.edu Syracuse University’s Pulse Performing Arts Series will bring its latest Tony-winning performer to campus this month as Broadway superstar Idina Menzel appears on…
University College students honored at reception
University College students honored at receptionMarch 05, 2009Eileen Jevisejevis@uc.syr.edu University College students were recognized for obtaining dean’s list status during the spring and fall 2008 semesters at a reception held on Friday, Feb. 27, at the Goldstein Alumni and Faculty…
Renowned art historian traces postcard invention to medieval nuns in March 24 talk at SU
Renowned art historian traces postcard invention to medieval nuns in March 24 talk at SUMarch 05, 2009Rob Enslinrmenslin@syr.edu The evolution of the postcard is the subject of a talk by Kathryn M. Rudy, a world-renowned expert on medieval devotional art….
Student Association offers free shuttles and discount round-trip buses to SU students
Student Association offers free shuttles and discount round-trip buses to SU studentsMarch 04, 2009SU Student Lifee-stulife@syr.edu Syracuse University’s Student Association announced today that it will offer students free shuttle buses serving campus, the Regional Transportation Center and Hancock International Airport…
Innovative Tokyo architect Yoshiharu Tsukamoto to lecture at Syracuse Architecture
Innovative Tokyo architect Yoshiharu Tsukamoto to lecture at Syracuse ArchitectureMarch 04, 2009Elaine Wackerowedwacker@syr.edu Yoshiharu Tsukamoto, co-founder of Tokyo’s Atelier Bow-Wow, one of this generation’s most unique architectural practices, will speak at the Syracuse University School of Architecture on Tuesday, March…
Chancellor Nancy Cantor honored by National Council for Research on Women with Making a Difference for Women Award
Chancellor Nancy Cantor honored by National Council for Research on Women with Making a Difference for Women AwardMarch 04, 2009Ruth Kaplanrekaplan@syr.edu Syracuse University Chancellor and President Nancy Cantor was honored on Tuesday, March 3, by the National Council for Research…
Vice President Joseph Biden to deliver 2009 Syracuse University Commencement address
Kevin C. Quinn(315) 443-8338 U.S. Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr., a 1968 graduate of Syracuse University College of Law, will deliver the Commencement address to the 2009 graduates of Syracuse University and the SUNY College of Environmental Science and…
SU appoints new Counseling Center director
SU appoints new Counseling Center directorMarch 04, 2009Matthew R. Snydermrsnyder@syr.edu Syracuse University, a national leader in the field of student mental health, has appointed Dr. Cory Wallack director of the Counseling Center. Wallack, a licensed psychologist, was previously assistant director…