UNLV education dean to discuss challenges of urban education at next Landscape of Urban Education Lecture March 26
UNLV education dean to discuss challenges of urban education at next Landscape of Urban Education Lecture March 26March 10, 2009Patrick Farrellpmfarrel@syr.edu M. Christopher Brown II, dean of the College of Education at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, will deliver…
Point of Contact presents ‘Drawings on Delirium’
Point of Contact presents ‘Drawings on Delirium’March 10, 2009Tere Paniaguatpaniagu@syr.edu Ricardo Lanzarini, a world-renowned Uruguayan artist, has come from Montevideo to Syracuse to recreate the mundane and the extraordinary in his drawings on delirium made to astonishing scales. The Point…
Syracuse University hosts national scholar in science and mathematics teaching
Syracuse University hosts national scholar in science and mathematics teachingMarch 10, 2009Judy Holmesjlholmes@syr.edu The Department of Mathematics in Syracuse University’s College of Arts and Sciences will host a colloquium presented by one of the nation’s foremost scholars in “lesson study”-Catherine…
Former MLB pitcher Jim Abbott to speak at Sport Management Club’s 4th annual Charity Sports Auction
Michele Barrett(315) 443-6172 Jim Abbott, former MLB and U.S. Olympic pitcher, will be the Jreck Subs Distinguished Lecture speaker at the SU Sport Management Club’s Fourth Annual Charity Sports Auction on Thursday, April 2, at 6:30 p.m. in the Carrier…
Former MLB, U.S. Olympic pitcher Jim Abbott to speak at SU Sport Management Club’s 4th annual Charity Sports Auction
Former MLB, U.S. Olympic pitcher Jim Abbott to speak at SU Sport Management Club’s 4th annual Charity Sports AuctionMarch 10, 2009Michele Barrettmibarret@syr.edu Jim Abbott, former MLB and U.S. Olympic pitcher, will be the Jreck Subs Distinguished Lecture speaker at the…
Syracuse University will mark National Orange Day — its 139th birthday — with celebration, service to community
Syracuse University will mark National Orange Day — its 139th birthday — with celebration, service to communityMarch 10, 2009Kelly Homan Rodoskikahoman@syr.edu Syracuse University Orange spirit will be glowing brightly on Tuesday, March 24, as the University and alumni clubs around…
‘In Pursuit of the Exotic: Artists Abroad in 19th-Century Egypt and the Holy Land’ to open March 24 at Lubin House
‘In Pursuit of the Exotic: Artists Abroad in 19th-Century Egypt and the Holy Land’ to open March 24 at Lubin House March 10, 2009Ruth Kaplanrekaplan@syr.edu “In Pursuit of the Exotic: Artists Abroad in 19th-Century Egypt and the Holy Land” focuses…
March 22 Malmgren Concert to feature organ performance by ‘Rising Star’ Aaron Tan
March 22 Malmgren Concert to feature organ performance by ‘Rising Star’ Aaron TanMarch 10, 2009Kelly Homan Rodoskikahoman@syr.edu Organist Aaron Tan will perform for this season’s Malmgren Concert Series’ Rising Star Recital on Sunday, March 22, in Syracuse University’s Hendricks Chapel.The…
iSchool Associate Dean Jeffrey Stanton contributes to Senate forum report on information security
iSchool Associate Dean Jeffrey Stanton contributes to Senate forum report on information securityMarch 10, 2009Margaret Costello Spillettmcostell@syr.edu Syracuse University School of Information Studies (iSchool) Associate Dean for Research and Doctoral Programs Jeffrey Stanton participated recently in the Institute for Information…
Syracuse iSchool student Bin Sun G’10 places in international IBM mainframe competition
Syracuse iSchool student Bin Sun G’10 places in international IBM mainframe competitionMarch 10, 2009Margaret Costello Spillettmcostell@syr.edu Syracuse University School of Information Studies (iSchool) student Bin Sun G’10 won fourth place in the IBM Master of the Mainframe competition, sponsored by…