Whitman hosts guest lecture by Johnny Cupcakes founder/president March 23
Whitman hosts guest lecture by Johnny Cupcakes founder/president March 23March 12, 2009Amy Schmitzaemehrin@syr.edu On Monday, March 23, the Entrepreneurship Club in the Whitman School of Management at Syracuse University will host a guest lecture by Johnny Earle, founder and president…
Syracuse University awarded grant to provide at-risk students access to college
Syracuse University awarded grant to provide at-risk students access to college March 12, 2009Susan Feightnersfeightn@syr.edu Syracuse University’s Office of Supportive Services, located in SU’s School of Education, was recently awarded a federal College Access Challenge Grant from New York State…
Newly launched art-covered Connective Corridor buses to offer free St. Patrick’s Day Parade park-and-ride service
Jemeli Tanui(315) 443-5172 Three new Connective Corridor buses that feature designs by Syracuse University students will roll out of production in time for Central New Yorkers to enjoy a free park-and-ride service for Syracuse’s annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade, taking…
SU will mark National Orange Day with celebration, service to community
Kelly Homan Rodoski(315) 443-5381 Syracuse University Orange spirit will be glowing brightly on Tuesday, March 24, as the University and alumni clubs around the country celebrate National Orange Day. This year’s celebration marks the 139th anniversary of SU’s founding on…
SU’s Patrick T. Mather elected fellow of two prestigious professional societies
Tricia Hopkins(315) 443-2546 Patrick T. Mather, Milton and Ann Stevenson Professor of Biomedical and Chemical Engineering in Syracuse University’s L.C. Smith College of Engineering and Computer Science, was recently elected a fellow of two prestigious professional societies, the American Institute…
Internationally renowned expert in forensic science to speak at Syracuse University
Internationally renowned expert in forensic science to speak at Syracuse University March 11, 2009Judy Holmesjlholmes@syr.edu An icon in the field of forensic science, Herbert Leon MacDonell, will present “Sixty Years of Forensic Investigations” Tuesday, March 24, at 7 p.m. in…
Syracuse University’s Patrick T. Mather elected fellow of two prestigious professional societies
Syracuse University’s Patrick T. Mather elected fellow of two prestigious professional societiesMarch 11, 2009Tricia Hopkinsthopkins@syr.edu Patrick T. Mather, Milton and Ann Stevenson Professor of Biomedical and Chemical Engineering in Syracuse University’s L.C. Smith College of Engineering and Computer Science, was…
Farming and climate change is the topic for SU’s annual Chauncey D. Holmes Lecture and Award Ceremony
Farming and climate change is the topic for SU’s annual Chauncey D. Holmes Lecture and Award Ceremony March 11, 2009Judy Holmesjlholmes@syr.edu Thirteen Syracuse University undergraduate students and a student from the SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry will be…
UNLV education dean to discuss challenges of urban education at next Landscape of Urban Education Lecture March 26
UNLV education dean to discuss challenges of urban education at next Landscape of Urban Education Lecture March 26March 10, 2009Patrick Farrellpmfarrel@syr.edu M. Christopher Brown II, dean of the College of Education at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, will deliver…
Point of Contact presents ‘Drawings on Delirium’
Point of Contact presents ‘Drawings on Delirium’March 10, 2009Tere Paniaguatpaniagu@syr.edu Ricardo Lanzarini, a world-renowned Uruguayan artist, has come from Montevideo to Syracuse to recreate the mundane and the extraordinary in his drawings on delirium made to astonishing scales. The Point…