The Gebbie Clinics: A living laboratory where students learn from clients
Judy Holmes(315) 443-2201 For more than 30 years, Syracuse University students have been learning from Douglas Church. The Baldwinsville resident was among the first clients of the Gebbie Speech-Language-Hearing Clinics, the training facility that is part of the Department of…
VPA, Hillel to present exhibition celebrating work of artist Selma Hurwitz ’49
Erica Blust(315) 443-5891 Syracuse University’s College of Visual and Performing Arts (VPA) and Hillel at SU will celebrate the work of artist and VPA alumna Selma Hurwitz ’49 with the exhibition “Threads of a Culture: Hadbakah Images by Selma Hurwitz,”…
Whitman hosts emerging markets expert from World Bank April 15
Whitman hosts emerging markets expert from World Bank April 15 April 10, 2009Amy Schmitzaemehrin@syr.edu On April 15 and 16, the Whitman School of Management at Syracuse University will host a pair of presentations by Tom Vis, senior risk management officer…
National security and counterterrorism to be explored in ‘Terror and Consent: The Wars of the 21st Century’ symposium
Jaclyn D. Grosso(315) 443-9534 Renowned author Philip Bobbitt will be joined by professors from the United States and England at the forefront of national security and counterterrorism for the April 24 symposium “Terror and Consent: The Wars of the 21st…
National security and counterterrorism to be explored in ‘Terror and Consent: The Wars of the 21st Century’ symposium at Syracuse University
National security and counterterrorism to be explored in ‘Terror and Consent: The Wars of the 21st Century’ symposium at Syracuse UniversityApril 10, 2009Jaclyn D. Grossojgrosso@law.syr.edu Renowned author Philip Bobbitt will be joined by professors from the United States and England…
VPA, Hillel at SU to present exhibition celebrating work of artist Selma Hurwitz ’49
VPA, Hillel at SU to present exhibition celebrating work of artist Selma Hurwitz ’49April 10, 2009Erica Blustesblust@syr.edu Syracuse University’s College of Visual and Performing Arts (VPA) and Hillel at SUwill celebrate the work of artist and VPA alumna Selma Hurwitz…
Edelman Digital senior VP, director of insights to speak on ‘Five Digital Trends to Watch for in 2009’ April 15 at the Newhouse School
Edelman Digital senior VP, director of insights to speak on ‘Five Digital Trends to Watch for in 2009’ April 15 at the Newhouse SchoolApril 10, 2009Katelyn Schultzkmschult@syr.edu Steve Rubel, Edelman Digital senior vice president and director of insights, will discuss…
The Gebbie Clinics: A living laboratory where Syracuse University students learn from clients
The Gebbie Clinics: A living laboratory where Syracuse University students learn from clientsApril 09, 2009Judy Holmesjlholmes@syr.edu For more than 30 years, Syracuse University students have been learning from Douglas Church. The Baldwinsville resident was among the first clients of the…
Syracuse University celebrates Asian Pacific American Heritage Month with commemorative lecture by author Shawn Hsu Wong April 10
Syracuse University celebrates Asian Pacific American Heritage Month with commemorative lecture by author Shawn Hsu Wong April 10April 09, 2009Office of Multicultural Affairsoma@syr.edu Syracuse University continues its tradition of recognizing the contributions of Asian and Asian Pacific Americans with Asian…
Events commemorate Asian Pacific American Heritage Month
Events commemorate Asian Pacific American Heritage MonthApril 09, 2009SU News ServicesSUnews@syr.edu A variety of events are being offered to commemorate Asian Pacific American Heritage Month in April. They include: Monday, April 13, 7 p.m. Watson Theater“Vincent Who?,” a documentary sponsored…