Syracuse Stage, in collaboration with SU Drama, to hold local Equity auditions April 18
Syracuse Stage, in collaboration with SU Drama, to hold local Equity auditions April 18April 14, 2009Patrick Finlonstagepr@syr.edu Syracuse Stage, in collaboration with the Department of Drama in Syracuse University’s College of Visual and Performing Arts, will hold local Equity auditions…
Leading social science researcher to present April 24 lecture at Syracuse University on gay and lesbian family life
Leading social science researcher to present April 24 lecture at Syracuse University on gay and lesbian family life April 14, 2009Michele Barrettmibarret@syr.edu Charlotte Patterson, one of the leading researchers of the development of children being raised in gay and lesbian…
Memorial service for iSchool Dean Emeritus Robert S. Taylor to be held April 24 in Hendricks Chapel
Memorial service for iSchool Dean Emeritus Robert S. Taylor to be held April 24 in Hendricks ChapelApril 14, 2009Margaret Costello Spillettmcostell@syr.edu A memorial service for Robert S. Taylor, dean emeritus of the Syracuse University School of Information Studies (iSchool), will…
Constellation Brands exec to speak at Whitman April 22
Constellation Brands exec to speak at Whitman April 22April 14, 2009Amy Schmitzaemehrin@syr.edu The Whitman School of Management at Syracuse University will host a guest lecture by Lou Applebaum, senior vice president of strategy and business development at Constellation Brands, on…
SSIC company helps CNY live the green life
SSIC company helps CNY live the green lifeApril 14, 2009Amy Schmitzaemehrin@syr.edu Year after year, energy consumption in New York state increases by 3 percent, according to the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA). The effects are felt…
SU religion department marks Earth Day with two public lectures April 22
SU religion department marks Earth Day with two public lectures April 22April 13, 2009Rob Enslinrmenslin@syr.edu The Department of Religion in The College of Arts and Sciences will present two keynote lectures as part of Syracuse University’s annual observance of Earth…
James T. Spencer appointed associate dean in College of Arts and Sciences
Judy Holmes(315) 443-2201 James T. Spencer, professor of chemistry in Syracuse University’s College of Arts and Sciences, was recently appointed to the position of associate dean for mathematics, sciences, research and facilities. In his new position, Spencer will provide ongoing…
Work co-edited by SU Associate University Librarian Charlotte Hess issued in Italian translation
Work co-edited by SU Associate University Librarian Charlotte Hess issued in Italian translationApril 13, 2009Pamela McLaughlinpwmclaug@syr.edu “Understanding Knowledge as a Commons: From Theory to Practice” (MIT Press, 2007), co-edited by Charlotte Hess, associate university librarian for collections and scholarly communication…
Syracuse Law Review to honor SU Law alumna Ellen Zimiles at annual banquet
Syracuse Law Review to honor SU Law alumna Ellen Zimiles at annual banquetApril 13, 2009Jaclyn D. Grossojgrosso@law.syr.edu In keeping with its strong traditions, Syracuse Law Review will host its annual Law Review Banquet on Friday, April 24, and honor Ellen…
Lippert recognized as Distinguished Entrepreneur of the Year by Whitman School’s Falcone Center for Entrepreneurship
Lippert recognized as Distinguished Entrepreneur of the Year by Whitman School’s Falcone Center for EntrepreneurshipApril 13, 2009Amy Schmitzaemehrin@syr.edu Keith Lippert ’78, founding partner of Lippert/Heilshorn (LHA), has been named the 2009 Distinguished Entrepreneur of the Year by the Falcone Center…