Newhouse School announces finalists in third annual Mirror Awards
Newhouse School announces finalists in third annual Mirror AwardsApril 22, 2009Wendy S. Loughlinwsloughl@syr.edu Syracuse University’s S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications today announced 29 finalists in six categories in the third annual Mirror Awards competition honoring excellence in media industry…
MLAB finalist for Global Citizenship Award
MLAB finalist for Global Citizenship AwardApril 22, 2009Susan Feightnersfeightn@syr.edu The Mobile Literacy Arts Bus (MLAB), a project of the Partnership for Better Education (PBE) at Syracuse University, was selected as a finalist for the MacJannet Prize for Global Citizenship, from…
BSApp wins Annual Panasci Business Plan Competition
BSApp wins Annual Panasci Business Plan CompetitionApril 22, 2009Amy Schmitzaemehrin@syr.edu The 100 student teams that applied to the annual Panasci Business Plan Competition in the Whitman School of Management at Syracuse University were first narrowed to 32. Twelve teams were…
Disability studies pioneer Tom Skrtic wins Tolley Medal, to be presented by SU’s School of Education May 2
Disability studies pioneer Tom Skrtic wins Tolley Medal, to be presented by SU’s School of Education May 2 April 22, 2009Sandi Mulconrysandi@groupmcom.com For four decades, William Pearson Tolley was one of the nation’s pre-eminent leaders in higher education. By the…
SU Drama Senior Showcase is May 1; 19 graduating students to perform musical numbers, scenes
SU Drama Senior Showcase is May 1; 19 graduating students to perform musical numbers, scenesApril 22, 2009Patrick Finlonstagepr@syr.edu The Department of Drama in Syracuse University’s College of Visual and Performing Arts will present its Senior Showcase on Friday, May 1,…
SU’s Lifelong Learning Institute adds appetizer-making course to offerings this spring and summer
SU’s Lifelong Learning Institute adds appetizer-making course to offerings this spring and summer April 22, 2009Jaime Winne Alvarez jlwinne@syr.edu The Gerontology Center at Syracuse University has added a course, “Making Appetizers,” to its popular Lifelong Learning Institute offerings this spring…
Critically acclaimed ‘Hard Rain Project’ to deliver message of sustainability on SU campus April 21-June 5
Critically acclaimed ‘Hard Rain Project’ to deliver message of sustainability on SU campus April 21-June 5April 21, 2009Erica Blustesblust@syr.edu The “Hard Rain Project,” a critically acclaimed photo essay on environmental issues by photographer Mark Edwards and inspired by the music…
College of Visual and Performing Arts and SU in Florence art professors collaborate on faculty exhibit
College of Visual and Performing Arts and SU in Florence art professors collaborate on faculty exhibitApril 21, 2009Jill Ennis Faculty members in the College of Visual and Performing Arts (VPA) and SU in Florence (SUF) studio art professors have collaborated…
Depiction of disability in film is focus of Syracuse International Film Festival program April 28
Depiction of disability in film is focus of Syracuse International Film Festival program April 28April 21, 2009Patrick Farrellpmfarrel@syr.edu This year’s Syracuse International Film Festival will focus attention on how people with disabilities are depicted in film through a special program…
VPA’s Vivian to speak on ‘How Lincoln’s Words Defined the United States’ April 23
VPA’s Vivian to speak on ‘How Lincoln’s Words Defined the United States’ April 23April 21, 2009SU News ServicesSUnews@syr.edu Bradford Vivian, assistant professor of communication and rhetorical studies in Syracuse University’s College of Visual and Performing Arts, will give the talk…