Student Association launches ‘Share the Fare’ initiative
Student Association launches ‘Share the Fare’ initiativeApril 29, 2009Bridget Schultzbmschult@syr.edu The Student Association has launched a program called “Share the Fare” to assist students in coordinating rides to their summer destinations. The program will run until the end of the…
Whitman celebrates 50 years of the Association of Syracuse Defense Comptrollers
Whitman celebrates 50 years of the Association of Syracuse Defense Comptrollers April 29, 2009Amy Schmitzaemehrin@syr.edu The Whitman School of Management at Syracuse University will celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Association of Syracuse Defense Comptrollers (ASDC) on May 19 at…
Syracuse University to host international, scientific conference on soft active materials
Syracuse University to host international, scientific conference on soft active materialsApril 29, 2009Judy Holmesjlholmes@syr.edu Scientists from the across the United States and abroad who are working on the emergent properties of soft active matter will converge at Syracuse University May…
Professors Lui, Moon named recipients of 2009 L.C. Smith Award for Faculty Excellence
Professors Lui, Moon named recipients of 2009 L.C. Smith Award for Faculty ExcellenceApril 29, 2009Tricia Hopkinsthopkins@syr.edu Professors Eric Lui and Young Moon both have visions for enhancing the learning experience for students in Syracuse University’s L.C. Smith College of Engineering…
Twelve Syracuse University seniors named 2009 University Scholars
Twelve Syracuse University seniors named 2009 University ScholarsApril 28, 2009Roxanna Carpenterrocarpen@syr.edu Twelve graduating seniors have been designated as Syracuse University Scholars and three as Scholars of the State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry (SUNY-ESF), Class…
Military, civilian leaders attend two-week course at Maxwell
Military, civilian leaders attend two-week course at MaxwellApril 28, 2009Jill Leonhardtjlleonha@maxwell.syr.edu More than 50 senior military and civilian leaders from both the public and private sectors are in residence at the Maxwell School for two weeks for the 2009 National…
Phi Beta Kappa to initiate new members
Phi Beta Kappa to initiate new membersApril 28, 2009SU News ServicesSUnews@syr.edu George M. Langford, dean of The College of Arts and Sciences, will address new members of Kappa of New York, SU’s Phi Beta Kappa chapter, during the group’s initiation…
ESF to confer degrees at May 10 Commencement ceremony
ESF to confer degrees at May 10 Commencement ceremonyApril 28, 2009Karen Moore The SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry (SUNY-ESF) will confer more than 400 degrees during joint Commencement exercises with Syracuse University on Sunday, May 10, in the…
Graduate School doctoral hooding ceremony is May 8
Graduate School doctoral hooding ceremony is May 8April 28, 2009Kelly Homan Rodoskikahoman@syr.edu Syracuse University’s Graduate School will hold its annual doctoral hooding ceremony, honoring the 2009 doctoral degree candidates, on Friday, May 8, at 6 p.m. in Goldstein Auditorium of…
SUNY-ESF’s Northern Forest Institute takes leadership role in helping children get outside and play
SUNY-ESF’s Northern Forest Institute takes leadership role in helping children get outside and playApril 28, 2009Claire Dunn The SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry’s Northern Forest Institute for Conservation Education and Leadership Training (NFI) has taken a lead role…