SU’s Orange Orators Toastmasters Club earns highest award for second straight year
Orange Orators, the Syracuse University-sponsored Toastmasters International Club, has once again earned the President’s Distinguished Award, Toastmasters International’s highest honor. This honor is earned based on a set of 10 criteria, and is achieved by fewer than 15 percent of…
‘Music Beyond Borders’ on Nov. 16 combines multicultural performances with multimedia storytelling
On Wednesday, Nov. 16, be a part of “Music Beyond Borders,” an event designed to illustrate the intercultural connectedness of music by using video narratives that weave together the cultural, social and historical contexts of the live performances. It is…
Next Th3 scheduled Nov. 17
Th3 (The Third Thursday) is a consortium of 21 Syracuse arts venues that coordinate free monthly visual arts events from 5-8 p.m. on the third Thursday of every month. For more information, visit: http://www.th3syracuse.com or on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheThirdThursday. Community Folk Art…
Popularity of SU’s Zipcar program skyrockets
The Syracuse University community has embraced the sustainable “wheels when you want them” concept of Zipcar—the world’s largest provider of cars on demand by the hour or day. Over the past 18 months, the number of people enrolled in SU’s…
Campus campaign for United Way kicks into high gear in November
As the campus campaign for the United Way of Central New York moves into its second month, we are celebrating our successes and looking ahead to the final two months of the annual drive. So far, the campaign at Syracuse…
Confused about the local elections? Check out Democracywise!
Don’t know whom to vote for on Tuesday, Nov. 8? Don’t even know who’s running? Check out Democracywise, the web voter resource and political news site managed by Charlotte Grimes, Knight Chair in Political Reporting at the S. I. Newhouse…
Move to paperless bus schedules supports campus sustainability
With more and more people accessing the Internet wirelessly from just about everywhere, finding the next Quad Shuttle, Late Night Orange Express or any other bus departure/arrival time is now just a few quick clicks or finger taps away. Syracuse…
‘Blue Gold’ documentary screening to be held Nov. 10
The Syracuse University Sustainability Division will host a “zero-waste” showing of the award-winning documentary film “Blue Gold: World Water Wars,” on Thursday, Nov. 10, at 7 p.m. in Watson Theater in the Menschel Media Center. Admission is free and open…
Academy Award-winning sound designer Ben Burtt to speak in Syracuse
Ben Burtt, Academy-award winning sound designer, filmmaker, editor and writer, grew up in Syracuse and graduated from Nottingham High School. He is personally responsible for some of the most iconic sounds heard in films, such as R2-D2’s beeps and whistles in…
Syracuse University Remembrance Scholars announce schedule for Remembrance Week 2011
Syracuse University’s Remembrance Week 2011, a weeklong series of events honoring the 270 people—including 35 students studying abroad through Syracuse University—who lost their lives in the terrorist bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland, on Dec. 21, 1988,…