Guest trumpeter Jeffrey Stockham featured in SU Wind Ensemble and Symphony Band concert
Guest trumpeter Jeffrey Stockham featured in SU Wind Ensemble and Symphony Band concertFebruary 22, 2001Judy Holmesjlholmes@syr.edu The Syracuse University Wind Ensemble and the SU Symphony Band will present a concert at 8 p.m. March 6 in the Rose and Jules…
New child poverty numbers show that New York state ranks last in the United States and in the industrialized world
New child poverty numbers show that New York state ranks last in the United States and in the industrialized worldFebruary 22, 2001Jill Leonhardtjlleonha@maxwell.syr.edu According to a book on the new study, co-edited by Maxwell School professor TimothySmeeding, more than 26…
Maxwell professor Mark Monmonier to receive prestigious O.M. Miller Cartographic Medal for his contributions to the field of cartography
Maxwell professor Mark Monmonier to receive prestigious O.M. Miller Cartographic Medal for his contributions to the field of cartographyFebruary 22, 2001Jonathan Hayjhay@syr.edu Mark Monmonier, Distinguished Professor of Geography in The Maxwell School of Syracuse University, has spent the past three…
Author and landscape critic James Howard Kunstler to lecture at Syracuse University Feb. 28
Author and landscape critic James Howard Kunstler to lecture at Syracuse University Feb. 28February 22, 2001Judy Holmesjlholmes@syr.edu Prominent author and critic of the American landscape James Howard Kunstler will present a lecture at 3 p.m. Feb. 28 in Maxwell Auditorium….
Bobbi Brown, CEO of Bobbi Brown Cosmetics, to speak at Syracuse University as part of the Genet Lecture Series
Bobbi Brown, CEO of Bobbi Brown Cosmetics, to speak at Syracuse University as part of the Genet Lecture SeriesFebruary 20, 2001Judy Holmesjlholmes@syr.edu Bobbi Brown, CEO of Bobbi Brown Cosmetics, will present the next installment of the Genet Lecture Series at…
SU doctoral student will discuss research on gravitational waves and gravitational wave detection in Pathways to Knowledge lecture
SU doctoral student will discuss research on gravitational waves and gravitational wave detection in Pathways to Knowledge lectureFebruary 20, 2001Judy Holmesjlholmes@syr.edu Andri M. Gretarsson, a physics doctoral student, will present “Quiet Detectors for Listening to the Cosmos” during the first…
Syracuse Symposium, a two-month series presented by SU’s College of Arts and Sciences, will celebrate the power of poetry
Syracuse Symposium, a two-month series presented by SU’s College of Arts and Sciences, will celebrate the power of poetryFebruary 20, 2001Judy Holmesjlholmes@syr.edu Syracuse University’s College of Arts and Sciences will present the 2001 Syracuse Symposium, “Poetry: Moving Language, Language Moving,”…
SU College of Law team wins National Tax Moot Court Competition, and National Trial Competition team qualifies for championship
SU College of Law team wins National Tax Moot Court Competition, and National Trial Competition team qualifies for championshipFebruary 16, 2001Nicci Brownnicbrown@syr.edu Three Syracuse University law students recently proved their affinity with the nation’s tax laws. Rebecca Secco, Christopher Jahnke…
Center for Emerging Network Technologies, based in SU’s School of Information Studies, will address wireless communication technology issues and provide new research opportunities for students, faculty
Center for Emerging Network Technologies, based in SU’s School of Information Studies, will address wireless communication technology issues and provide new research opportunities for students, faculty February 16, 2001Judy Holmesjlholmes@syr.edu While large and small telecommunications companies compete for access to…
Leading providers of online educational resources in the United States and Australia announce cooperative agreement
Leading providers of online educational resources in the United States and Australia announce cooperative agreementFebruary 16, 2001 The Gateway to Educational Materials (GEM) Project (www.geminfo.org) and education.au limited, managers of the Education Network Australia (EdNA Online–www.edna.edu.au/EdNA), have made a cooperative…