Environmental design interiors students, children from SU’s Early Childhood Education and Child Care Center collaborate on a special project to develop designs for entries and passageways
Environmental design interiors students, children from SU’s Early Childhood Education and Child Care Center collaborate on a special project to develop designs for entries and passagewaysFebruary 28, 2001Judy Holmesjlholmes@syr.edu At first glance, it would seem that students enrolled in the…
Pratt Institute’s Catherine Ingraham will speak at SU March 7 as part of the School of Architecture’s Spring 2001 Lecture Series
Pratt Institute’s Catherine Ingraham will speak at SU March 7 as part of the School of Architecture’s Spring 2001 Lecture SeriesFebruary 28, 2001Judy Holmesjlholmes@syr.edu Catherine Ingraham, chair of graduate architecture and urban design at the Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, N.Y.,…
Information sessions for Minority Undergraduate Fellows Program to be held on campus Feb. 28 and March 2
Information sessions for Minority Undergraduate Fellows Program to be held on campus Feb. 28 and March 2February 23, 2001Michael Scanlon mfscanlo@syr.edu The Office of the Vice President of Student Affairs will host two information sessions on the Minority Undergraduate Fellows…
Student volunteers will build homes for Habitat for Humanity
Student volunteers will build homes for Habitat for HumanityFebruary 23, 2001 While many students will be visiting warmer climates over Spring Break, Jen Theiller, a junior illustration major in the College of Visual and Performing Arts, will be building a…
Office of Multicultural Affairs seeks nominations for the La Fuerza 2001 Community Enhancement Award
Office of Multicultural Affairs seeks nominations for the La Fuerza 2001 Community Enhancement AwardFebruary 22, 2001Michael Scanlon mfscanlo@syr.edu Syracuse University’s Office of Multicultural Affairs is seeking nominations for the La Fuerza 2001 Community Enhancement Award. “La Fuerza” refers to both…
Craft of bookbinding to be explored in March 1 SU Library Associates presentation
Craft of bookbinding to be explored in March 1 SU Library Associates presentationFebruary 22, 2001Jonathan Hayjhay@syr.edu Peter D. Verheyen, preservation and access librarian for the SU Library, will speak on “Bookbinding: A Thriving Craft” at 4 p.m. March 1 in…
Alumnus Richard Hayden ’60 will deliver the inaugural Francis E. Hares Preservation Lecture at Syracuse University Feb. 28
Alumnus Richard Hayden ’60 will deliver the inaugural Francis E. Hares Preservation Lecture at Syracuse University Feb. 28February 22, 2001Judy Holmesjlholmes@syr.edu Richard Seth Hayden’60, managing partner of Swanke, Hayden and Connell Architects of New York City, will present “Poverty is…
WHSIG hosts presentation by co-author of sweeping report card grading states on women’s health
WHSIG hosts presentation by co-author of sweeping report card grading states on women’s healthFebruary 22, 2001Kelly Homan Rodoskikahoman@syr.edu The Syracuse University/Upstate Women’s Health Interest Group will present “Making the Grade on Women’s Health: A National and State-by-State Report Card” from…
Degas Quartet finds a niche in Syracuse University’s College of Visual and Performing Arts
Degas Quartet finds a niche in Syracuse University’s College of Visual and Performing ArtsFebruary 22, 2001Judy Holmesjlholmes@syr.edu It?s mid-morning and the members of the Degas Quartet, Syracuse University?s newest quartet-in-residence, have just begun what will most likely turn into a…
March 1 ‘Informance’ by Eastman School of Music professor will combine information and performance
March 1 ‘Informance’ by Eastman School of Music professor will combine information and performanceFebruary 22, 2001Judy Holmesjlholmes@syr.edu Douglas Humpherys, associate professor of piano at the Eastman School of Music in Rochester, will present “Informance” at 1 p.m. March 1 in…