Twelve seniors given Syracuse University’s highest undergraduate student honor, are named University Scholar
Twelve seniors given Syracuse University’s highest undergraduate student honor, are named University ScholarApril 28, 2001Kelly Homan Rodoskikahoman@syr.edu Twelve graduating seniors from Syracuse University will be recognized at Commencement as 2001 University Scholars. The designation is the highest undergraduate honor bestowed…
Syracuse University’s Carrier Dome to no longer host BSA Boy Power fund-raiser
Syracuse University’s Carrier Dome to no longer host BSA Boy Power fund-raiserApril 28, 2001Kevin Morrowkdmorrow@syr.edu Syracuse University has informed the Hiawatha Seaway Council of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) that the Carrier Dome will no longer serve as the…
Chancellor Q&A: Livingstock
Chancellor Q&A: LivingstockApril 28, 2001 Late into the night of Saturday, May 1, 1999, and the early hours of the next morning, a student-organized block party on Livingston Avenue, in the neighborhood directly east of Syracuse University?s north campus, flamed…
New B.P.S. degree targets workforce to spur regional economic growth
New B.P.S. degree targets workforce to spur regional economic growthApril 27, 2001Linda Kristensenlgkriste@syr.edu Through its new bachelor of professional studies (B.P.S.) degree, designed for adult part-time students, Syracuse University will further contribute to the region’s economic development and benefit the…
Syracuse University faculty, staff contribute pieces for new ‘On My Own Time’ exhibition
Syracuse University faculty, staff contribute pieces for new ‘On My Own Time’ exhibitionApril 21, 2001Kelly Homan Rodoskikahoman@syr.edu Syracuse University is once again participating in the “On My Own Time” community arts program, sponsored by the Cultural Resources Council in cooperation…
Political commentator Robert Novak to speak at Syracuse University for College Republicans
Political commentator Robert Novak to speak at Syracuse University for College RepublicansApril 21, 2001Mark Owczarskimaowczar@syr.edu Conservative political commentator and veteran Washington newsman Robert Novak will visit Syracuse University May 1 as a guest of College Republicans. During his visit, Novak…
Student Affairs Distinguished Lecture Series hosts presentation on legal issues in higher education
Student Affairs Distinguished Lecture Series hosts presentation on legal issues in higher educationApril 21, 2001Michael Scanlon mfscanlo@syr.edu Robert D. Bickel and Peter F. Lake, professors of law at Stetson University, will speak on “Legal Issues in Higher Education” at 3…
Minimum wage for student employees increased to $6 per hour
Minimum wage for student employees increased to $6 per hourApril 21, 2001Mark Owczarskimaowczar@syr.edu Effective July 1, 2001, the minimum wage for all student employees at Syracuse University will increase from $5.15 per hour to $6 per hour. According to Christopher…
IRS enforcement efforts decrease, according to new TRAC report
IRS enforcement efforts decrease, according to new TRAC reportApril 21, 2001Cynthia J. Moritzcjmoritz@syr.edu Almost every type of enforcement effort by the IRS has declined since the early 1990s, according to a report issued recently by the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse…
Syracuse CAT receives $2.1 million to expand research and development activities
Syracuse CAT receives $2.1 million to expand research and development activitiesApril 21, 2001Kevin Morrowkdmorrow@syr.edu Gov. George E. Pataki visited the Syracuse University campus April 19 to announce that SU’s Center for Computer Applications and Software Engineering (CASE), one of the…