University College honors 905 part-time students at May 4 dinner
University College honors 905 part-time students at May 4 dinnerMay 21, 2001Kevin Morrowkdmorrow@syr.edu University College honored the 905 part-time students in the SU Class of 2001 at its 53rd annual Commencement Dinner May 4 that celebrated the first graduation of…
Syracuse University’s Center for Systems Assurance receives National Security Agency certification
Syracuse University’s Center for Systems Assurance receives National Security Agency certificationMay 19, 2001Jonathan Hayjhay@syr.edu The Syracuse University Center for Systems Assurance (CSA) received a boost in reputation, as well as in potential funding and collaborations, when it was recently certified…
Maxwell professor appointed chief economist for President’s Council of Economic Advisers
Maxwell professor appointed chief economist for President’s Council of Economic AdvisersMay 19, 2001Cynthia J. Moritzcjmoritz@syr.edu Douglas Holtz-Eakin, Syracuse University Trustee Professor of Economics and chair of the economics department in SU’s Maxwell School and SU’s College of Arts and Sciences,…
New trustees elected during annual meeting
New trustees elected during annual meetingMay 19, 2001Kevin Morrowkdmorrow@syr.edu Five individuals were elected voting members of the Syracuse University Board of Trustees during the Board’s annual meeting, held during Commencement weekend. Also, two trustees were granted emeritus status. The new…
Syracuse University suspends program in Zimbabwe
Syracuse University suspends program in ZimbabweMay 18, 2001Kevin Morrowkdmorrow@syr.edu Syracuse University’s Division of International Programs Abroad (DIPA) has suspended its 2001-02 study program in Harare, Zimbabwe, due to increased political instability inside the country. DIPA has made arrangements to enable…
Committee names 35 students as 2001-02 Remembrance Scholars
Committee names 35 students as 2001-02 Remembrance ScholarsMay 14, 2001 The Remembrance Scholars Selection Committee has named the 35 students who will be the 2001-02 Remembrance Scholars. The scholarships, among the most prestigious awarded by the University, are funded through…
2001 University Scholar Commencement address
2001 University Scholar Commencement addressMay 13, 20012001 University Scholar Commencement address Syracuse University, Syracuse New York Presented by Mark W. Frantz We are the Dome. An undoubtedly odd statement. But take a look around. What we see here, beyond the…
2001 Commencement Address
2001 Commencement AddressMay 13, 2001 2001 Commencement Address Syracuse University, Syracuse New York May 13, 2001 Presented By Col. Eileen M. Collins, USAF, NASA ASTRONAUT Chancellor Shaw, President Murphy, honored trustees, faculty and administrators, distinguished honorees, family and friends of…
SU students bring home $25,000 for Syracuse’s Wilson Park Community Center
SU students bring home $25,000 for Syracuse’s Wilson Park Community CenterMay 11, 2001Judy Holmesjlholmes@syr.edu An interdisciplinary team of students from Syracuse University’s Community Design Center (CDC) in the School of Architecture won first place in the final round of the…
Six to be awarded honorary degrees May 13 in the Dome
Six to be awarded honorary degrees May 13 in the DomeMay 09, 2001Cynthia J. Moritzcjmoritz@syr.edu Six honorary degrees will be awarded during the University’s 147th Commencement May 13 in the Carrier Dome. The recipients include Col. Eileen Collins ’78, NASA…