Update on campus activities related to the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks in New York City, Washington, D.C., and rural Pennsylvania
Update on campus activities related to the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks in New York City, Washington, D.C., and rural PennsylvaniaSeptember 11, 2001Kevin Morrowkdmorrow@syr.edu Following is an update of activities occurring at Syracuse University Tuesday night and Wednesday (Sept. 12) in…
Graduate student’s reflections on yearlong experience in Israel broadcast on National Public Radio’s ‘Morning Edition’
Graduate student’s reflections on yearlong experience in Israel broadcast on National Public Radio’s ‘Morning Edition’September 07, 2001Jonathan Hayjhay@syr.edu Many students take a year off before beginning their doctoral program to pursue goals and dreams that can’t wait until a dissertation…
Syrtis and Leadership Institute collaborate to create innovative e-learning solution for Excellus Inc.
Syrtis and Leadership Institute collaborate to create innovative e-learning solution for Excellus Inc.September 07, 2001Linda Kristensenlgkriste@syr.edu Syrtis and the Leadership Institute of Syracuse University have created innovative online training on leadership excellence for Upstate New York’s largest health insurance company….
New software makes it easy for experts to establish Internet-based AskA services
New software makes it easy for experts to establish Internet-based AskA servicesSeptember 07, 2001Judy Holmesjlholmes@syr.edu The Virtual Reference Desk at Syracuse University has developed a unique Web-based software program designed to make it easy for experts anywhere to share their…
Maxwell assists China in launching M.P.A. programs
Maxwell assists China in launching M.P.A. programsSeptember 07, 2001 As part of an ongoing effort to modernize and improve government services, China has selected the Maxwell School to help implement pilot master’s in public administration (M.P.A.) degree programs in several…
Kodak launches Digital Imaging Laboratory and photo exhibition at Syracuse University
Kodak launches Digital Imaging Laboratory and photo exhibition at Syracuse UniversityAugust 31, 2001Judy Holmesjlholmes@syr.edu Eastman Kodak Company, Rochester, N.Y., and Syracuse University will present a series of events to highlight the “InfoImaging Revolution,” beginning at 3 p.m. Sept. 9 with…
Director of Syracuse University’s new LGBT resource center wants to provide safe place and support for students, faculty and staff
Director of Syracuse University’s new LGBT resource center wants to provide safe place and support for students, faculty and staffAugust 31, 2001Cynthia J. Moritzcjmoritz@syr.edu When she came out as a lesbian during her freshman year at the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh,…
Michael T. Cahill named interim director of Syracuse University’s Center for Career Services
Michael T. Cahill named interim director of Syracuse University’s Center for Career ServicesAugust 31, 2001Nicci Brownnicbrown@syr.edu Michael T. Cahill has been named interim director of the Center for Career Services at Syracuse University. Cahill, who has worked as associate director…
Syracuse University in the Community Program committee to welcome students to the University’s East neighborhood
Syracuse University in the Community Program committee to welcome students to the University’s East neighborhoodAugust 27, 2001Kelly Homan Rodoskikahoman@syr.edu> Students are invited to attend “The Taste of Westcott,” to be held Aug. 30 at 6:30 p.m. at the Westcott Community…
Syracuse University professor proposes fix for New York’s state educational funding mess
Syracuse University professor proposes fix for New York’s state educational funding messAugust 21, 2001Cynthia J. Moritzcjmoritz@syr.edu New York state’s system for funding public schools is a mess in the view of John Yinger, Trustee Professor of Public Administration and Economics…