Thomas V. Wolfe Words at the All University Gathering
Thomas V. Wolfe Words at the All University GatheringSeptember 12, 2001 Opening Words I want you to feel this room. I want you to feel what it is like to be together at this moment in the history of our…
News of Campus Activities–as of 1 p.m. Wednesday
News of Campus Activities–as of 1 p.m. WednesdaySeptember 12, 2001Kevin Morrowkdmorrow@syr.edu Following is the latest information from Syracuse University of campus activities following Tuesday’s terrorist incidents. Daily Briefing at 3 p.m. in Hendricks Chapel At 3 p.m. today, Thursday and…
News of Campus Activities–as of 7 p.m. Wednesday.
News of Campus Activities–as of 7 p.m. Wednesday.September 12, 2001Kevin Morrowkdmorrow@syr.edu Following is the latest information, as of Wednesday night, from Syracuse University of campus activities following Tuesday’s terrorist incidents. White Ribbons Distributed The College of Human Services and Health…
Kevin Morrow’s message for gathering 9/11/01
Kevin Morrow’s message for gathering 9/11/01September 12, 2001 Good afternoon. I am Kevin Morrow, the University spokesman. What has happened today is nothing that I have seen in my lifetime. Our thoughts and support are with, among others, the rescue…
Chancellor’s message for gathering 9/11/01
Chancellor’s message for gathering 9/11/01September 12, 2001 Ladies and Gentlemen – Students, Faculty, and Staff – We gather today as a family to share our grief – our horror – our disbelief – at today’s events. That is what families…
Deborah A. Freund’s message for gathering 9/11/01
Deborah A. Freund’s message for gathering 9/11/01September 12, 2001 To all Students, Faculty and Staff, I join the Chancellor in expressing my personal outrage and the collective indignation of our community at the events of this morning in New York,…
Syracuse University statement on the apparent terrorist attacks that occurred today (Sept. 11)
Syracuse University statement on the apparent terrorist attacks that occurred today (Sept. 11)September 11, 2001Kevin Morrowkdmorrow@syr.edu The hearts and thoughts of Syracuse University are with those in New York City, Washington, D.C., and elsewhere who are directly affected by the…
A message to our Alumni:
A message to our Alumni:September 11, 2001 Terrorism has once again directly affected the lives of the members of the Syracuse University community. Many of you have contacted us inquiring about your fellow alumni; we thank you for reaching out…
SU’s Setnor School of Music presents Ken Meyer and Friends in concert Sept. 25
SU’s Setnor School of Music presents Ken Meyer and Friends in concert Sept. 25September 11, 2001Judy Holmesjlholmes@syr.edu Syracuse University’s Rose, Jules R. and Stanford S. Setnor School of Music will present “Ken Meyer and Friends: Chamber Music with Guitar” at…
Nobel Laureate Toni Morrison will speak at Syracuse University Sept. 24
Nobel Laureate Toni Morrison will speak at Syracuse University Sept. 24September 11, 2001Judy Holmesjlholmes@syr.edu Nobel Laureate and Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist Toni Morrison will deliver the 2001 Laura Hanhausen Milton Freshman Lecture at 7:30 p.m. Sept. 24 in the Schine Student…