Dipping into retirement funds doesn’t necessarily have a bad effect
Dipping into retirement funds doesn’t necessarily have a bad effectSeptember 22, 2001Cynthia J. Moritzcjmoritz@syr.edu Workers, at least those born between 1931 and 1941, have not doomed themselves to a poverty-stricken old age by frittering away their retirement nest eggs, according…
Lubin House Offers Memorial Gathering on September 25 and 26
Lubin House Offers Memorial Gathering on September 25 and 26September 17, 2001 New York City area alumni invited to memorial gathering at Lubin House All Metropolitan New York Area alumni of Syracuse University, their families and friends are invited to…
A University is a place where search for truth can go on unhindered
A University is a place where search for truth can go on unhinderedSeptember 17, 2001 By Chancellor Kenneth A. Shaw No one in this country has escaped the effects of Sept. 11, 2001. Naturally, those who suffered loss directly through…
Former U.S. Sen. George J. Mitchell to present inaugural University Lectures address Oct. 9
Former U.S. Sen. George J. Mitchell to present inaugural University Lectures address Oct. 9September 17, 2001Judy Holmesjlholmes@syr.edu The Hon. George J. Mitchell, will present “World Peace: An Impossible Dream?” at the inauguration of The University Lectures at 7:30 p.m. Oct….
News of Campus Activities–as of 9 p.m. Monday.
News of Campus Activities–as of 9 p.m. Monday.September 17, 2001Kevin Morrowkdmorrow@syr.edu Following is the latest information, as of Wednesday morning, Sept. 19, from Syracuse University of campus activities in response to Sept. 11’s terrorism in New York City, Washington, D.C.,…
Students, faculty and staff from Syracuse University, SUNY Upstate Medical University and the SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry to march from the University Hill to Clinton Square for Thursday night’s community gathering
Students, faculty and staff from Syracuse University, SUNY Upstate Medical University and the SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry to march from the University Hill to Clinton Square for Thursday night’s community gatheringSeptember 17, 2001Kevin Morrowkdmorrow@syr.edu In a show…
Celebration dinner, tree planting are among HSHP inaugural activities
Celebration dinner, tree planting are among HSHP inaugural activitiesSeptember 17, 2001Kelly Homan Rodoskikahoman@syr.edu In honor of its recent founding at SU, the College of Human Services and Health Professions (HSHP) will hold a series of celebratory events during the week…
Goldsteins’ gift will establish the Lubin School of Accountancy
Goldsteins’ gift will establish the Lubin School of AccountancySeptember 17, 2001Kelly Homan Rodoskikahoman@syr.edu The late Manhattan accountant Joseph I. Lubin gave generously of his time, expertise and money to Syracuse University. He was honored with the naming of Lubin House,…
American tragedy touches SU community
American tragedy touches SU communitySeptember 17, 2001Kelly Homan Rodoskikahoman@syr.edu The terrorist attacks that occurred in New York City, Washington, D.C. and rural Pennsylvania on Sept. 11 sent waves of shock, grief and fear across the nation. At SU, administrators worked…
University’s annual United Way Campaign kicks off on campus
University’s annual United Way Campaign kicks off on campusSeptember 17, 2001Kelly Homan Rodoskikahoman@syr.edu The 2001 United Way campaign officially gets underway this week as pledge cards are distributed to all faculty and staff. Last year, the University’s campaign generated more…