Mini-grant program on substance abuse succeeds beyond expectations
Mini-grant program on substance abuse succeeds beyond expectationsFebruary 07, 2002Nicci Brownnicbrown@syr.edu The first round of the University’s mini-grant program to integrate substance abuse prevention issues into course curricula has exceeded all expectations of success, according to Dessa Bergen-Cico, associate dean…
Memorial fund continues the memory of Simeon Popov -on both sides of the Atlantic
Memorial fund continues the memory of Simeon Popov -on both sides of the AtlanticFebruary 06, 2002Kevin Morrowkdmorrow@syr.edu Syracuse University is accepting contributions to the Simeon Popov Memorial Fund, honoring the late SU graduate student and benefiting young musicians in both…
Michelangelo, globalization and photography are on tap for Syracuse Symposium events at Syracuse University
Michelangelo, globalization and photography are on tap for Syracuse Symposium events at Syracuse UniversityFebruary 05, 2002Judy Holmesjlholmes@syr.edu Michelangelo’s “Night,” the globalization of a binge economy in the 19th century and an exhibit of women’s portraits are the topics for the…
Syracuse University architecture students host interdisciplinary symposium and charette Feb. 15 and 16
Syracuse University architecture students host interdisciplinary symposium and charette Feb. 15 and 16February 05, 2002Judy Holmesjlholmes@syr.edu Third-year students in Syracuse University’s School of Architecture will host a symposium titled “/ingMemoryConstruct/ingMemoryConstruct” that will feature keynote speakers Mary Miss, one of the…
National Science Foundation awards $2 million grant to four universities for scientific drilling of Lake Malawi in East Africa
National Science Foundation awards $2 million grant to four universities for scientific drilling of Lake Malawi in East AfricaFebruary 04, 2002Kelly Homan Rodoskikahoman@syr.edu Researchers from Syracuse University, University of Minnesota-Duluth, University of Rhode Island and the University of Arizona will…
One World Celebration 2002 kicks off on campus Feb. 7
One World Celebration 2002 kicks off on campus Feb. 7February 04, 2002 The University’s One World Celebration will kick off Feb. 7 with over a week of campus-wide activities, food, entertainment, conferences, displays, receptions and seminars. The purpose of the…
Vision Fund grants awarded to nine innovative projects
Vision Fund grants awarded to nine innovative projectsFebruary 04, 2002 Syracuse University has awarded 2002 Vision Fund grants to nine projects that focus on providing intellectually rich diversity experiences for students. The Vision Fund Program was created four years ago…
Executive Committee of Syracuse University’s Board of Trustees approves 2002-03 fiscal year budget proposal
Executive Committee of Syracuse University’s Board of Trustees approves 2002-03 fiscal year budget proposalFebruary 01, 2002Kelly Homan Rodoskikahoman@syr.edu Tuition increase of 6 percent, increase in the student health fee and the establishment of a co-curricular fee are part of the…
Susan L. Taylor, publication director of Essence Magazine, launches Spring 2002 University Lectures
Susan L. Taylor, publication director of Essence Magazine, launches Spring 2002 University LecturesFebruary 01, 2002Judy Holmesjlholmes@syr.edu Susan L. Taylor, senior vice president of Essence Communications Inc. (ECI) and publication director of Essence Magazine, will head an exciting line up of…
Former associate law dean from Arizona State University to head Syracuse University’s College of Law
Former associate law dean from Arizona State University to head Syracuse University’s College of LawFebruary 01, 2002Cynthia J. Moritzcjmoritz@syr.edu Hannah Arterian, professor of law and former associate dean of the Arizona State University College of Law, will be the new…