Chancellor Kenneth A. Shaw’s 2/13/01 statement on The Daily Orange, delivered before the University Senate:
Chancellor Kenneth A. Shaw’s 2/13/01 statement on The Daily Orange, delivered before the University Senate:February 14, 2002 I am troubled by the tone being set by certain sections of The Daily Orange, and I believe it is time that we,…
Syracuse University Jazz Ensemble to present next Setnor Tuesday concert at Syracuse University
Syracuse University Jazz Ensemble to present next Setnor Tuesday concert at Syracuse UniversityFebruary 13, 2002Judy Holmesjlholmes@syr.edu The Syracuse University Jazz Ensemble, under the baton of Joe Riposo, director of Jazz Studies at SU, will present a concert at 8 p.m….
Celebrated author David McCullough and Mortimer Zuckerman of U.S. News and World Report will present next two University Lectures at Syracuse University
Celebrated author David McCullough and Mortimer Zuckerman of U.S. News and World Report will present next two University Lectures at Syracuse UniversityFebruary 13, 2002Judy Holmesjlholmes@syr.edu Author and historian David McCullough and Mortimer B. Zuckerman, publisher of U.S. News and World…
Barry Diller, chairman and chief executive officer of USA Networks Inc. to speak at Syracuse University Feb. 21
Barry Diller, chairman and chief executive officer of USA Networks Inc. to speak at Syracuse University Feb. 21February 12, 2002Judy Holmesjlholmes@syr.edu Barry Diller, chairman and chief executive officer of USA Networks Inc., will present the next installment of Syracuse University’s…
Ehm and Legaspi will lead graduates at 2002 Commencement
Ehm and Legaspi will lead graduates at 2002 CommencementFebruary 11, 2002 Sharon R. Ehm and M. Bryan Legaspi have been chosen as the Senior Class Marshals for Syracuse University’s 148th Commencement. They will lead the procession of graduates into the…
Syracuse University Physics Department Science Teachers Workshop celebrates 10th anniversary
Syracuse University Physics Department Science Teachers Workshop celebrates 10th anniversaryFebruary 09, 2002Judy Holmesjlholmes@syr.edu Put 20 high school physics teachers in a classroom; add reams of tissue paper, scissors, glue and thin copper wire, and mix well. The result: 20 hot…
Martha Nussbaum named 2002 Jeannette K. Watson Distinguished Visiting Professor in the Humanities
Martha Nussbaum named 2002 Jeannette K. Watson Distinguished Visiting Professor in the HumanitiesFebruary 09, 2002Judy Holmesjlholmes@syr.edu Martha Nussbaum, one of the nation’s leading public intellectuals, will be the 2002 Jeannette K. Watson Distinguished Visiting Professor in the Humanities at Syracuse…
Exhibition, speakers highlight Islamic Awareness Week
Exhibition, speakers highlight Islamic Awareness WeekFebruary 08, 2002 An exhibitions, movies, speakers and discussion will highlight the University’s first-ever Islamic Awareness Week, being held this week. The week is funded through a Feinstone Grant from the Office of Multicultural Affairs….
Adaptation of ‘A Lesson Before Dying’ begins Feb. 14
Adaptation of ‘A Lesson Before Dying’ begins Feb. 14February 07, 2002 By Heidi HoltzContributing WriterRehearsals have started at Syracuse Stage for “A Lesson Before Dying,” adapted by Romulus Linney from the novel of the same name by Ernest J. Gaines….
Harrington Meyer investigates how Medicaid reimbursement rules affect nursing home admissions
Harrington Meyer investigates how Medicaid reimbursement rules affect nursing home admissionsFebruary 07, 2002 A few years ago, when Madonna Harrington Meyer lived and taught in Illinois, that state froze the rate of Medicaid reimbursements for nursing home care. The private-payment…