Four universities from New York and Puerto Rico form innovative alliance to encourage minority students to pursue Ph.D. studies in science, mathematics and engineering
Four universities from New York and Puerto Ricoform innovative alliance to encourage minority studentsto pursue Ph.D. studies in science, mathematics and engineeringNovember 06, 2002Kevin Morrowkdmorrow@syr.edu As society becomes more technologically advanced, the demand increases for college graduates with specialized knowledge…
Parents Weekend 2002 features food, football and fun
Parents Weekend 2002 features food, football and funNovember 05, 2002Michele M. Jachimmmjachim@syr.edu While Syracuse University’s Parents Weekend takes place for three days (Nov. 8-10) beginning Friday, the preparations for it have been ongoing for nearly 10 months. “It is important…
SU’s Human Resources wins prestigious award
SU’s Human Resources wins prestigious awardNovember 05, 2002Cynthia J. Moritzcjmoritz@syr.edu Syracuse University was selected by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), CNY chapter, for its HR Excellence Award, presented Oct. 22 at the Hotel Syracuse. SHRM is nationally recognized…
Parents Weekend activities abound
Parents Weekend activities aboundNovember 05, 2002Michele M. Jachimmmjachim@syr.edu Parents Weekend 2002 will take place Nov. 8-10 on the SU campus. Some of the highlights of weekend include the activities listed below. For more comprehensive information, contact the Parents Office…
Nature’s smallest energy powerhouse is the topic of the next Frontiers of Science Lecture at Syracuse University
Nature’s smallest energy powerhouse is the topic of the next Frontiers of Science Lecture at Syracuse UniversityNovember 04, 2002Judy Holmesjlholmes@syr.edu Samuel Chan, professor of biology at Syracuse University, will present “Nature’s Smallest Rotary Engine: Energy Harvesting by Animals and Plants”…
The melodic craftsmanship of Brahms featured at the Nov. 12 Setnor Tuesday Concert at Syracuse University
The melodic craftsmanship of Brahms featured at the Nov. 12 Setnor Tuesday Concert at Syracuse UniversityNovember 04, 2002Judy Holmesjlholmes@syr.edu The New York City-based Cassatt String Quartet will be the featured performer at the next installment of the Brahms Festival at…
New scholar series addresses cross-curricular topics
New scholar series addresses cross-curricular topicsNovember 04, 2002Margaret Costello Spillettmcostell@syr.edu When the School of Social Work, College of Nursing, and College for Human Development came under the umbrella of the College of Human Services and Health Professions (HSHP) two years…
Nationally recognized writer, editor and producer to discuss race and television at Newhouse event
Nationally recognized writer, editor and producer to discuss race and television at Newhouse eventNovember 04, 2002Nicci Brownnicbrown@syr.edu Nationally recognized writer, editor, producer and professor Kristal Brent Zook will join Newhouse visiting professor Richard Dubin for “A Conversation About Race and…
New research highlights Internet’s ability to build social capital and counter political alienation
New research highlights Internet’s ability to build social capital and counter political alienationNovember 04, 2002Nicci Brownnicbrown@syr.edu New research by political and media experts at the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications and the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs…
SU’s Student Association tries online voting procedure for election of student government officers
SU’s Student Association tries online voting procedure for election of student government officersNovember 04, 2002Kevin Morrowkdmorrow@syr.edu Syracuse University’s Student Association (SA) is conducting its election for president and comptroller Nov. 4-7, and for the first time undergraduate students are able…