Got an education question? AskERIC
Got an education question? AskERICDecember 10, 2002Judy Holmesjlholmes@syr.edu Nationally acclaimed question and answer service is leading source of information for educators and parents When John Matthias, a second-grade teacher at Linden Hill Elementary School, located near Wilmington, Delaware, needed quick…
Geographers’ association recognizes John Western for teaching excellence
Geographers’ association recognizes John Western for teaching excellenceDecember 06, 2002Cynthia J. Moritzcjmoritz@syr.edu The premier professional organization for academic geographers will bestow Distinguished Teaching Honors upon John Western, Maxwell Professor of Teaching Excellence and chair of Syracuse University’s geography department. The…
DIPA postcard series entices SU freshmen to study abroad
DIPA postcard series entices SU freshmen to study abroadDecember 06, 2002Cynthia J. Moritzcjmoritz@syr.edu Jayne is having a wonderful experience studying in London. Maybe you should consider following her lead. That is the message of a series of postcards that will…
Syracuse University launches four certificate programs, offers open house Dec. 12
Syracuse University launches four certificate programs, offers open house Dec. 12December 06, 2002Peggy Morgan Syracuse University’s Center for Business Information Technologies (CBIT) announces four new certificate programs for networking and health-care professionals. The programs – offered in response to passage…
George R. Burman to resign as dean of Syracuse University’s School of Management
George R. Burman to resign as dean of Syracuse University’s School of ManagementDecember 06, 2002Cynthia J. Moritzcjmoritz@syr.edu After 13 years, George R. Burman will step down June 30, 2003, as dean of SU’s School of Management. After a yearlong sabbatical,…
Syracuse University to close its School of Nursing
Syracuse University to close its School of NursingDecember 06, 2002Kevin Morrowkdmorrow@syr.edu The Executive Committee of Syracuse University’s Board of Trustees, acting on behalf of the entire Board, voted today to close SU’s School of Nursing. Undergraduate and graduate nursing programs…
Syracuse University Continuing Education appoints four associate deans
Syracuse University Continuing Education appoints four associate deansDecember 05, 2002Peggy Morgan University College, Syracuse University’s continuing education division, announces the appointment of four associate deans: Robert M. Colley, Geraldine de Berly, Bethaida Gonzalez and Roberta Jones. The associate deans, with…
Syracuse University professor earns accolades for pioneering work in the architecture of space frames
Syracuse University professor earns accolades for pioneering work in the architecture of space framesDecember 04, 2002Judy Holmesjlholmes@syr.edu Humans are surrounded by cubes and rectangles, concessions to the overwhelming presumption that these are the shapes best suited for habitation. But Syracuse…
New community-based computer lab to be dedicated at First English Lutheran Church on Dec. 6
New community-based computer lab to be dedicated at First English Lutheran Church on Dec. 6December 03, 2002Judy Holmesjlholmes@syr.edu Contact: Andrea Manseau Lab is the result of partnership between First English, Weed and Seed, and Syracuse University’s Lutheran Campus Ministry Saturday…
University to conduct environmental self-audit
University to conduct environmental self-auditDecember 02, 2002Kevin Morrowkdmorrow@syr.edu Syracuse University has signed an historic agreement with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in which SU will conduct a comprehensive environmental audit of its facilities in Syracuse, Joseph I. Lubin House…