Syracuse University Brahms Festival continues March 4 with classical guitar, vocal and string quartet performances
Syracuse University Brahms Festival continues March 4 with classical guitar, vocal and string quartet performancesFebruary 27, 2003Judy Holmesjlholmes@syr.edu Editor’s note:Free parking is available in the Irving Garage; special needs parking is available by calling 443-2191. Syracuse University’s Brahms Festival will…
The Honorable William J. Clinton to deliver 2003 Commencement address to Syracuse University and SUNY ESF graduates
The Honorable William J. Clinton to deliver 2003 Commencement address to Syracuse University and SUNY ESF graduatesFebruary 27, 2003Sara Millersemortim@syr.edu The Honorable William J. Clinton, 42nd president of the United States, will address the 2003 graduates of Syracuse University and…
Australian guest conductor to be featured at Feb. 27 SU Symphony Band and Wind Ensemble concert
Australian guest conductor to be featured at Feb. 27 SU Symphony Band and Wind Ensemble concertFebruary 25, 2003Judy Holmesjlholmes@syr.edu The Syracuse University Symphony Band and Wind Ensemble will present a concert Feb. 27 at 8 p.m. in the Rose and…
Setnor School of Music remembers first recording engineer
Setnor School of Music remembers first recording engineerFebruary 25, 2003Megan Feringtonmafering@syr.edu Richard Burns, audio engineer for the Setnor School of Music in the College of Visual and Performing Arts for 37 years, died Nov. 4, 2002 at age 82. Throughout…
Syracuse University students to perform recitals March 1 and 2 in the Setnor Auditorium
Syracuse University students to perform recitals March 1 and 2 in the Setnor AuditoriumFebruary 25, 2003Judy Holmesjlholmes@syr.edu Three Syracuse University music students will perform recitals on March 1 and 2 in the Rose and Jules R. Setnor Auditorium in the…
Paul Robeson Performing Arts Co. to present multicultural evening of music March 2 at Hendricks Chapel
Paul Robeson Performing Arts Co. to present multicultural evening of music March 2 at Hendricks ChapelFebruary 25, 2003Judy Holmesjlholmes@syr.edu The Paul Robeson Performing Arts Co. will present “From Classical to Jazz to Blues and Back Again” on March 2 at…
One World Celebration offers a carnival of Mardi Gras events
One World Celebration offers a carnival of Mardi Gras eventsFebruary 25, 2003Megan Feringtonmafering@syr.edu Students, faculty and community members are invited to celebrate Mardi Gras with several campus activities. The events are part of the One World Celebration, which celebrates the…
ACLU president to address March 1 student conference
ACLU president to address March 1 student conferenceFebruary 24, 2003Michele M. Jachimmmjachim@syr.edu Nadine Strossen, president of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), will be the keynote speaker for Syracuse University’s first Student Leadership Empowerment Conference (SLEC), “Leadership Under Construction,” March…
College of Human Services and Health Professions sponsors annual Career Fair
College of Human Services and Health Professions sponsors annual Career FairFebruary 24, 2003Wendy S. Loughlinwsloughl@syr.edu All SU students and alumni are invited to the College of Human Services and Health Professions (HSHP) Career Fair Feb. 26 from 11 a.m.-2 p.m….
University “should declare our position” on affirmative action, says Shaw
University “should declare our position” on affirmative action, says ShawFebruary 24, 2003Kevin Morrowkdmorrow@syr.edu During the Syracuse University Senate’s Feb. 19 open forum, Chancellor Kenneth A. Shaw addressed the Senate on issues that arise during debates and discussions. The text of…