Chancellor Shaw speaks with radio hosts, listeners about SU’s conference situation
Chancellor Shaw speaks with radio hosts, listeners about SU’s conference situationJuly 14, 2003 Chancellor Kenneth A. Shaw entertained questions from radio talk show hosts Josh Bertacinni and Bud Poliquin and their listeners on the “Bud and the Manchild” program on…
New York law prompts new SU smoking policy
New York law prompts new SU smoking policyJuly 14, 2003Matthew R. Snydermrsnyder@syr.edu With changes in New York’s Public Health Law set to take effect July 24, Syracuse University is moving to prohibit smoking in all areas of the workplace, including…
Syracuse University names new director of Health Services
Syracuse University names new director of Health ServicesJuly 03, 2003Matthew R. Snydermrsnyder@syr.edu Syracuse University has announced the appointment of Dr. James R. Jacobs as director of Health Services. Jacobs will begin as director on August 13. “We are extremely pleased…
Statement from Syracuse University Chancellor Kenneth A. Shaw on the University of Miami’s decision to join the Atlantic Coast Conference
Statement from Syracuse University Chancellor Kenneth A. Shaw on the University of Miami’s decision to join the Atlantic Coast ConferenceJuly 03, 2003 I’m disappointed that Miami has chosen to go to the ACC. Their departure leaves a number of unresolved…
School of Information Studies’ researchers provide virtual bricks and mortar for the National Science Digital Library
School of Information Studies’ researchers provide virtual bricks and mortar for the National Science Digital LibraryJune 30, 2003Judy Holmesjlholmes@syr.edu When the National Science Digital Library (NSDL) opened its virtual doors last December, researchers from the School of Information Studies helped…
Teachers gather at Syracuse University for lesson on media and American democracy
Teachers gather at Syracuse University for lesson on media and American democracyJune 27, 2003Nicci Brownnicbrown@syr.edu Teachers from all over New York state, as well as New Jersey and Virginia, will be at Syracuse University’s S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications…
Syracuse University’s Students Offering Service to sponsor weeklong Chess Camp June 29-July 3
Syracuse University’s Students Offering Service to sponsor weeklong Chess Camp June 29-July 3June 26, 2003Kelly Homan Rodoskikahoman@syr.edu Students Offering Service, a program of Syracuse University’s Hendricks Chapel, will sponsor its fifth annual Chess Camp June 29-July 3. The free camp,…
June 25 statement from Syracuse University regarding the ACC
June 25 statement from Syracuse University regarding the ACCJune 25, 2003Kevin Morrowkdmorrow@syr.edu We have received word from the ACC-via a phone conversation between Jake Crouthamel and John Swofford-of the conference’s intention to extend invitations to Miami and Virginia Tech. The…
STATEMENT FROM BOSTON COLLEGE, June 25, 2003June 25, 2003 Boston College entered into discussions with the Atlantic Coast Conference regarding conference expansion because we felt it was in the best interest of our student-athletes and our athletics program. Those discussions…
Investment advisor Martin J. Whitman ’49 contributes naming gift to Syracuse University School of Management
Investment advisor Martin J. Whitman ’49 contributes naming gift to Syracuse University School of ManagementJune 24, 2003Cynthia J. Moritzcjmoritz@syr.edu Syracuse University’s School of Management will be named the Martin J. Whitman School of Management in honor of the prominent New…