Campus & Community
SU in the News: Monday, October 1
SU NEWS AND EVENTS COVERAGE A Kalamazoo Gazette preview of the upcoming TEDxKalamazoo event in October notes William Ward, professor of practice in the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications, will make a presentation there. Statistics from Syracuse University’s Transactional…
Faculty and Staff Assistance Program and Healthy Monday co-sponsor depression screenings
If you are feeling overwhelmed or depressed, or just not enjoying life, it may be time to pause and take a moment to assess your emotional health.
Next pick up of lab polystyrene boxes for recycling is Oct. 2
Tuesday, Oct. 2, will be the next monthly pick up of empty cold-shipping polystyrene (Styrofoam) boxes for recycling
from campus labs in Link Hall, Bowne Hall, Life Sciences, Sci-Tech and the Physics Building.
Evacuation Drill Schedule – Fall 2012
The Environmental Health and Safety Services Office will conduct the fall 2012 evacuation drills in academic and
administrative buildings during Fire Prevention Week, Monday, Oct. 8, through Friday, Oct. 12.
Volunteers needed
The English Language Institute is looking for native English speakers to spend 30 minutes per week with International students who need to practice their conversational English outside of the classroom.
SU in the News: Friday, September 28
SU NEWS AND EVENTS COVERAGE A Post-Standard article notes Syracuse University participation in a project sampling Southern Tier groundwater and analyzing shale-water. Gregory Hoke, assistant professor of earth sciences at The College of Arts and Sciences, is quoted. A YNN…
Brandon Steiner book signing with Scoop Jardine and Joe Morris
Brandon Steiner will be at the Syracuse University Bookstore to sign copies of his newest book, “You Gotta Have Balls: How
a Kid from Brooklyn Started From Scratch, Bought Yankee Stadium, and Created a Sports Empire.”
Last chance for Common Ground for Peace tickets: Friday, 9 a.m. Schine Box Office
Employees: Update your SU directory information by Oct. 5
Attention Faculty and Staff,
SU in the News: Wednesday, September 26
SU NEWS AND EVENTS COVERAGE A Korea Times opinion piece on pop culture and Korea’s social media footprint cites analysis of a viral video phenomenon by Ines Mergel, assistant professor of public administration and international affairs at the Maxwell School….