Campus & Community
‘Ensuring Successful Students and Schools’ is focus of next IRP
The Oct. 18 session of the Institute for Retired People (IRP) will feature Sharon Contreras, superintendent of the Syracuse City School District. She will discuss the district’s five-year plan for ensuring the success of the city’s students. The IRP program…
‘Changes at The Post Standard’ is the subject of Oct. 18 TMR
The Oct. 18 session of Thursday Morning Roundtable will feature Stephen A. Rogers, editor and publisher of The Post-Standard, and Tim Kennedy, president of Syracuse Media Group. The pair will discuss the changes taking place at the Post-Standard as they…
Professor Anna Vasilevna Gorbatsevich remembered
Anna Vasilevna Gorbatsevich, professor emerita of Russian, passed away at her home on Sept. 6 at the age of 88. She was a resident of Syracuse for more than 60 years. Gorbatsevich was born near Warsaw, Poland, where she studied to become…
Social ballroom and swing dance on Oct. 20
The SU Ballroom Dance Organization and SU Swing Club will be co-hosting a social dance this Saturday, Oct. 20 at Skybarn on South Campus from 7-10 p.m. There will be approximately 20 dances represented, such as tango, west coast swing,…
NASCAR Kinetics student event
The NASCAR Kinetics is having a student run event to be happening on the Syracuse University campus this weekend. The event is a NASCAR viewing party for the Hollywood Casino 400 at Kansas Speedway to be held Sunday, Oct. 21…
Disability Mentoring Day 2012 is Oct. 17
Syracuse University is participating in the 12th annual Disability Mentoring Day of Greater Syracuse this year on Wednesday, Oct. 17. Disability Mentoring Day is an international event held on the third Wednesday of October, National Disability Employment Awareness Month. This…
Closing of Bomba and Plena Festival exhibition
Music and dancing will be on tap for the closing of Puerto Rican Bomba and Plena: A Graphic History, 6 p.m. Friday, Nov. 2, 2012 at La Casita Cultural Center, 109 Otisco St., Syracuse. La Casita and La Liga, the…
One Million Bones workshop to demonstrate cost of genocide
Community Folk Art Center (CFAC) is collaborating with Students Rebuild, Syracuse University Arts Engage and the Congolese community of Syracuse to host a One Million Bones workshop, a social arts initiative that brings awareness to genocide by educating and engaging communities.
Open Enrollment info sessions start Wednesday
Open Enrollment begins Oct. 29 and continues through Nov. 9. This is the only time of the year when faculty, staff, GAs/Fellows and part-time instructors who are eligible for benefits may elect or change their coverage, unless they undergo a…
Public Safety Notice: Orange Madness Incident
For the protection and safety of Syracuse University students, faculty, staff and neighbors, SU’s Department of Public Safety (DPS) releases the following message: We are writing to inform the SU campus community of an incident that took place Friday night…