Campus & Community
Syracuse’s Black History Maker: DC Community Organizer Charles ‘Chuck’ Hicks ’69
The year 1968 was one of tumult and change in the United States, marked by the assassinations of Martin Luther King Jr. and Robert F. Kennedy, social unrest over civil rights and the Vietnam War and the passage of the…
Celebrating Black History Month With Syracuse Abroad
This February, Syracuse Abroad invites you to celebrate Black History Month (BHM) with us. Learn more about our events on campus and the resources available abroad to help enrich Black History Month appreciation and celebrations, today and every day. Celebrate…
Barnes Center Achieves AAAHC Accreditation
The Barnes Center at The Arch has once again earned three-year accreditation from the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care (AAAHC). This achievement further distinguishes the Barnes Center’s ongoing commitment to providing safe, high-quality care and services. “Led by Director…
Tepper Semester to Hold Free Introductory Workshops for Drama Undergraduates
Undergraduate drama students from any college or university are invited to learn more about Syracuse University’s Tepper Semester program in New York City via a series of free in-person and virtual introductory workshops on Saturday, April 1. Based in the…
Important Safety Resources
Dear Students, Faculty and Staff: We write to you today to remind our community of important safety information. We do this in light of the violent tragedy at Michigan State University, where three promising young lives were cut short, and…
Ash Wednesday Schedule Announced
Ash Wednesday is Feb. 22, marking the beginning of the Christian season of Lent. Lent is a 40-day period of reflection that guides people of Christian faith to the “Triduum,” or Sacred Three Days, that begins on the evening of…
Nominations Sought for One University Assessment Awards
Academic Affairs and Institutional Effectiveness (IE) announce a call for nominations for Syracuse University’s One University assessment awards. Nominations will be accepted through Friday, March 31. The assessment awards recognize faculty, staff and students for their efforts to examine and…
‘So Cool’: Clinical Simulations Expand to Train Future Art Therapists
Continuing his pioneering work adapting clinical simulations (SIMS) across a spectrum of pre-professional and professional contexts, Professor Benjamin Dotger is collaborating with Emily Goldstein Nolan, professor of practice in the College of Visual and Performing Arts Department of Creative Arts…
Falk Graduate Student Arcènia Notilija Vilanculo Helps Create Food Forests on Syracuse’s South Side
This past October, Falk College food studies graduate student Arcènia Notilija Vilanculo G’24 and food studies professor Anne Bellows were part of a group from the Syracuse Urban Food Forest Project that planted trees along Onondaga Creek in the City…
Draft Academic Strategic Plan Framework Released Today
As announced earlier this week, a draft of the Academic Strategic Plan framework was released today and is available for review on the Academic Strategic Plan webpage. We are eager to share this document, which represents months of hard work…